SEEK version 1.9.0

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Stuart Owen

Jul 16, 2019, 11:33:31 AM7/16/19
We are pleased to announce a new version of SEEK - version 1.9.0

The highlights of this version includes:

* Major upgrade of the underlying platform
    * Rails 4.2 → Rails 5.2
    * Updating and replacing affected libraries and dependencies
    * Unifying javascript to use jQuery framework throughout, and
removing Prototype references
  * A lot of bugfixes and minor improvements discovered during the
upgrade testing 
  * Ability to login with email as well as username
  * Ability to edit previous version revision comments
  * Show the SEEK ID of the selected node when navigating the ISA overview
  * Fix for model files appearing missing for previous versions (don't
worry, no files were actually lost)

The main bulk of this work, was the upgrade to Rails, which included
many changes. This work has been carried out in parallel to other work
over several months, and undergone a lot of testing. Bringing us up to
date, this ensures we continue to get feature enhancements, improvements
and security fixes.

Details on installing SEEK can be found in our Documentation, at - including running with Docker.

The upgrade guide can be found in the usual place at


Stuart & the FAIRDOM Team

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