Reminder: Prof. Narendra Nayak's lecture and presentation in Colombo

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Hema W

Jan 22, 2012, 4:25:35 PM1/22/12
National President of Indian Federation of Rationalist Associations, Prof. Narendra Nayak will be in Colombo, Kandy, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura and Galle to deliver a series of lectures and presentations to rationalist groups across Sri Lanka as a part of a joint public education program sponsored by the Secular Society of Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka Rationalist Association. Professor Nayak, a biochemistry professor and long time campaigner for Science, Secularism and Reason has been campaigning all around India and many countries, made several appearances for BBC, Discovery Channel, National Geographic.

Please see website for event details.
TIME: 3.30PM
DATE: 23rd AND 24th, January 2012
LOCATION: N.M. Perera Center, Cotta Rd, Borella,
All are welcome.

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