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Humanist Network News: Rep. Pete Stark and Roy Speckhardt on Darwin Day, Humanism is Love, Top Ten Sexiest Atheists, Photo Contest Winner

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Hemantha Wijesooriya

Feb 10, 2012, 1:52:04 PM2/10/12
FYI - American Humanists E-Zine Newsletter.

Humanist Network News
Issue 513
February 10, 2012

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MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR: Happy Birthday, Chuck!
Maggie ArdienteIt's almost Darwin Day! All of us at the American Humanist Association are excited to see so many Darwin Day events happening in the United States and abroad. Darwin Day is more than just an opportunity to meet other humanists and pro-evolutionists over a slice of Darwin fish birthday cake. When you celebrate Darwin Day, you're standing up for evolution and against so-called 'intelligent design.' And it's a fun way for children to learn about Darwin's contributions to science.

This February 12, send a Darwin Day e-card to your family and friends, and visit our website at to find a Darwin Day celebration event near you. If you have plans to attend an event, be sure to send us photos at so we can post them on the Darwin Day website and share them with the world. Happy Darwin Day!

Maggie Ardiente
Editor, HNN
This week in HNN
Rep. Pete Stark and Roy Speckhardt on Darwin Day in The Huffington Post
California Congressman Pete Stark and AHA executive director Roy Speckhardt have co-authored an article on the importance of celebrating Darwin Day in The Huffington Post.
Darwin Day is February 12: Find an Event Near You
Darwin Day is this Sunday! Want to join in on the fun! Visit us at to find an event near you!
Humanism is Love
How can humanists and atheists show more love and compassion? Freethought activist Todd Stiefel shares his ideas with HNN editor Maggie Ardiente.
Top Ten Sexiest Female Celebrity Atheists
What better way to spend Valentine’s Day than checking out our top ten female sexiest celebrities who are good without a god?
Top Ten Sexiest Male Celebrity Atheists
Don’t think we’d leave out a list of the sexiest male atheists too! Of course, Brad Pitt is on the list, but you might be surprised to learn about the others!
Appignani Humanist Legal Center Wins Appeal in FOIA Request on Atheist Bus Ads in Utah
When the Utah Transit Authority refused to provide documents of past advertisements, the AHA’s legal center appealed---and won!
Poll: Do You Celebrate Valentine’s Day?
We’re curious to know---do humanists love or hate Valentine’s Day? Let us know your opinion in this week’s poll!
Humanist Charities: Help Eradicate Poverty in the Slums of Calcutta
Humanist Charities is partnering with another humanist charity, Responsibility Charity Corp., to raise funds to help the people of Calcutta. Learn more and donate today.
February’s Photo Caption Contest Winner
Thank you to everyone who submitted entries in last week’s Photo Caption Contest! Find out the winner here.
Humanist Voices in Verse: Some Call It Love
In honor of Valentine’s Day and Darwin Day, this week’s featured poem is by HNN poetry editor, Daniel Thomas Moran.
The Comics Section
The latest from your favorites: Jesus and Mo, Ape Not Monkey, and The Bad Chemicals!
The Humanist Hour Podcast
In this month's podcast, Jes Constantine and Todd Stiefel speak with Harvard University's Humanist Chaplain, Greg Epstein, about the Humanist Community Project. Plus, hear a followup interview with Dr. Darrel Ray about his new book: Sex and God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality.
AHA in the News
Take Action: Tell President Obama Not to Cave to Religious Right on Contraceptives
AHA Applauds Clear Ruling Overturning Prop 8 in California
AHA Hosts Official Darwin Day Event in Idaho and Washington with Daniel Dennett, PZ Myers, Jen McCreight, and Fred Edwords
The Huffington Post: Honoring Darwin Day by Roy Speckhardt and Rep. Pete Stark
Patheos: Public Schools: A Battleground for the Religious Right by Roy Speckhardt
Psychology Today: What Nonbelievers Believe by David Niose
AHA Conference

Registration now open for the 71st Annual Conference in New Orleans! Join us June 7-10, 2012 and meet Gloria Steinem, Ira Flatow, Debra Sweet, James Randi, and more!
Upcoming Events
Orlando Atheists and Freethinkers
Speakers: Maggie Ardiente and Roy Speckhardt
February 23, 2012
Winter Park, FL
UU Clearwater Humanist Group
Speaker: Roy Speckhardt
February 25, 2012
Clearwater, FL
Pre-Reason Rally Reception
Hosted by AHA and Washington Area Secular Humanists
March 23, 2012
Washington, DC
Reason Rally
March 24, 2012
Washington DC
71st Annual Conference
American Humanist Association
June 7-10, 2012
New Orleans, LA

About HNN
Humanist Network News is the American Humanist Association's weekly e-zine covering news in and around the humanist movement.

About the AHA
The American Humanist Association, founded in 1941 and located in Washington DC, strives to bring about a progressive society where being "good without god" is an accepted way to live life. We accomplish this through our defense of civil liberties and secular governance, by our outreach to the growing number of people without religious belief, and through a continued refinement and advancement of the humanist worldview. Read more about the AHA here.
American Humanist Association | 1777 T Street NW, Washington DC, 20009 | 800.837.3792

American Humanist Association
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