I don't think this is a war between two parties. beyondframe blog too
is hacked. Just noticed. There is a highly sophisticated war of
deception happening here. A group is trying to pretend that there is a
cyber war between pro-Buddhist and pro-Islam bloggers. However, it
might well be a work of a single group.
Such a series of blog hacks within a week cannot really happen without
the help of an ISP. Even with the help of an ISP, it is very difficult
to hack in to a site owned by an experienced blogger. There has to be
a lot of time investment, and constant monitoring of weak points has
to happen in order to do such a thing. That says, a well funded and
well backed group is doing this or the blog owners themselves are
shutting down due to some external pressure. Kolu's blog (http://
kolu.wordpress.com/) is clearly shut down due to a threat.
I am totally baffled by this show...
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