secrets optimized for Honeycomb

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Roger Tawa █ ♣ █

May 10, 2011, 9:38:03 PM5/10/11
Hi all,

I have recently optimized Secrets for Honeycomb. Its not quite ready
yet, but a current build is available for download from the project's
site at:

At the same time, I changed secrets to support devices without scroll
wheels/balls. This was necessary to support features that were
previously only accessible from the options menu when a secrets was
selected in the list. For example, deleting a secret, copying its PIN
to the clipboard, displaying its access history, and so on.

The consequence of these changes is that long pressing a secret no
longer open the edit view; you get a context menu instead. To edit a
secret, you must long press the secret and then choose the Edit menu
item. I'm curious if long time users of Secrets will find this new
experience less than optimal. Going back is not option, but if people
have suggestions on how to handle this better, I could look into them
before uploading this version to the market. For example, would
swiping over a secret left or right as a shortcut to editing be

Thanks for any suggestions!

Roger Tawa
[One thing about paradigms: shift happens.]
[When you stop, you're done.]

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