This is likely not exactly what you are looking for. On:
you'll find some programs that I fiddled with using a "Blue Pill" These are like an Arquino but a lot cheaper ( under $5 each ).
I do not use the Arduino loader ( that you can use to load nice C programs with). My code is based on EForth and I use the manufactures method to program it with EForth and the AT to parallel decoding.
Unlike the one shown on the picture, you only need some 9 each 10K pullup resistors, some wire, the connectors to the keyboard and whatever the H89 uses. It is a parallel output that with a strobe. I don't recall if the H89 uses such but it seems I recall the
H89 scans the keyboard so it would take some additional programming, as the code I have reads the AT keyboard and generates the parallel out with a strobe to tell the computer there is a key waiting.
To program the Blue Pill, you'd need a RS232, 5V drive ( not typical RS232 +/- voltages )
I've written my own programming code, that I think runs on FPC Forth to a serial port.
Since I don't use the Arduino interface, I don't waste space on the Blue Pill to have a loader but it does have a nice Forth to do experiments on the Blue Pill. The Forth has a typical Forth interpreter/compiler that only needs a RS232 communication to make
programs on and it has code to make the application code self booting in the flash memory.
If you prefer to use C and the Arduino IDE you still need the 5V RS232 interface to download the Arduino loader code.
The STM32F103 has the advantage that there are a number of 5V I/O that only need the pullup resistors to drive typical 5V logic on one of the ports.