T48/56 vs TL866II plus

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Dan Emrick

Sep 10, 2022, 9:24:36 AM9/10/22
In the "EEPROM programmer recommendations?" thread the Xgecu  series of programmers came up.  There were several positive comments about the TL866II and Plus models.  There were also questions about the follow-on device, the T48 AKA TL9888-3G.

As a Linux fan I don't usually do Windows.  However, the currently available open source software for the Xgecu products does not handle the T48 or T56.  Of course, I only confirmed this after I ordered my T48.

There is an open source program on GitLab called minipro. Here's what's been shared in recent discussions there: 

(1) Work is being done to try to include the latest programmers in minipro.
(2) The manufacturer, while acknowledging that many sales go to Linux and other open source users, refuses to release any protocol details in an effort to make things harder for product cloners.
(3) Protocols for the T48 and T56 are different from earlier devices. 
(4) Manufacturer is suspected of changing protocols from time to time with firmware updates.  Not sure how he does this and maintains functionality with his Windows software, but there we are.

Bottom line:  If you are considering an Xgecu product, which should serve you well, It may be best to stick with the TL866II Plus.  Those of us with T48/56, devices will have to use Windows or run the Windows program on Linux under WINE.  (Yes, it does, in fact, work.) 

Unless you need to program some bleeding edge device not handled by the 866 Plus, best not to be too adventurous.


PS:  If you try WINE, get binaries for your version of Linux/MacOS from winehq.org.  The packages provided by many distributions are broken!
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