I am stepping down as organizer

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Richard Cook

Oct 13, 2019, 9:37:08 AM10/13/19
to SeaHUG
Dear All,

I have decided to step down as organizer of the Seattle Area Haskell Users' Group. Therefore, I am announcing that our Saturday 19 October meeting at Amazon Everest will be my last meeting as organizer. Until such time as a new organizer takes over and secures another venue, this will likely be our last in-person meeting for a while. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you'd like to take over as organizer of this group and if you can provide a suitable venue. Feel free to change things up too: if you'd like to meet in Seattle instead of Bellevue, you are - of course - totally free to do that. Please reach out via the Google Group or contact me over e-mail!

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member of this group and learning Haskell over the last few years. I also hope that the group can continue and I would hope to make appearances at future meetings once they're re-established.

Best regards, Richard.

Bryan Grounds

Oct 14, 2019, 12:26:39 PM10/14/19
to SeaHUG

Thank you for hosting!

I've learned a ton and met a lot of great people at SeaHUG over the past couple of years.

I sincerely appreciate all you've done to organize this group of brilliant, kind, and welcoming people.

I'm sad to see you step down - but I understand, and I'm thankful for your years of service.


Here's our call to action! Let's find a venue for November before the end of our next meeting.

Michael Kerekes

Oct 19, 2019, 1:53:27 PM10/19/19
to SeaHUG, Charles Cooper, Jay Coskey, Paul Howard, Robert McCrory, Allan J Cooper, Gübriel Michæl Anderson, Dave Heberer, John Leo, Abe Pralle, Robert Ackerman, Gordon T. Watts, Richard Cook
Greetings Haskellers. (forgive me if you received this email in error. I generated the list of email addresses from memory)

We are having a SeaHUG meetup today an 1pm at Amazon in Bellevue.  It's probably our last for awhile.

Richard has created a googlegroups alias for future communication.  There is no longer a meetup.com page.  Please feel free to add yourself to the group.  If you know of any Haskell people that I missed please forward this message.


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