APR Tournament Announcement

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Bill Chiles

Mar 22, 2021, 1:26:48 AM3/22/21
to seat...@googlegroups.com, programs

Hey, everyone.  If you would like to play in the APR tournament, please reply to me with your name, the rank you would like to play at, and if you are under 18 yrs old.  The more people that sign up, the better the parings can be due to fewer outliers or bigger gaps that force bigger handicap pairings.

In MAR we had 5 boards, and in round two, two people have won both their games and are on track to be winners of the tournament.

I'll pair the first round 04 APR.  I encourage folks to play during the Saturday Discord hangout around 3pm or Tue nights on the zoom hangout as an easy way to find a common time.


We cannot submit a report to the AGA for ranking as we usually do with the monthly ratings because the AGA does not support ranking based on online games.  Therefore, if your AGA membership has lapsed, it is ok.  On the upside, you can have a thoughtful game (no online pressure to play super fast) that may be good for reviewing or learning from.


The default time controls for a game are 45 min main with 5x30s byouyomi.  You may ask your opponent to play with a different time control, but your opponent can stick with the default.  This is our usual monthly ratings tournament time control.  


The tournament is a handicapped tournament.  If there are outlying ranked participants, and I cannot pair you due to no one being within 9 stones that you have not played previously in the tournament, then I will notify you that I cannot pair you.  If it happens that we have an odd number of people, then I will ask someone to bye for a round, and if there are no volunteers, I will pick someone as best I can.  If there is an odd number of people who sign up, then the last person to send email that they want to participate will have to wait for next time.


You can use the SGC Discord chat room to chit chat while playing or discuss your games, or chat boxes in OGS and KGS, or however you agree with your opponent.


If you are under 18 yrs old, we need you to CC your parent when you sign up, and the parent needs to agree to a consent form.  As are the rules for SGC, children need to be supervised by parents or someone the parents asked to be responsible to watch out for the kids.


PLEASE consider participating.  We hope this can be fun and get you playing more Go. 



Bill Chiles

Mar 28, 2021, 2:40:46 PM3/28/21
to seat...@googlegroups.com, programs
Hello, folks.  I wanted to put out my second call for participants for the APR tournament.  We will pair the first round 04 APR.  We only have four people signed up right now, and one of them (4k) I cannot pair due to the delta in ranks.  If several more people were interested to join in, we can have an APR tournament.  The more people, the better the pairings.  If we only get a few more people, I'll check in with participants if more/bigger handicap games are ok, or if anyone wants to drop out.


From: seat...@googlegroups.com <seat...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Bill Chiles <billchile...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2021 10:26 PM
To: seat...@googlegroups.com <seat...@googlegroups.com>; programs <prog...@seattlego.org>
Subject: [Seattle Go Center] APR Tournament Announcement
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