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Michael Moore to the rescue...

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Cicero Venatio

Mar 6, 2011, 6:55:37 PM3/6/11
You know when Michael Moore comes on board on an issue, the
Conservatives know they have won. When Moore made it his mission to save
union jobs in Flint, Michigan you knew they were going to disappear, and
they did. When he proclaimed the Cuban health care system superior to
that of the USA, you knew it had failed. When you saw Fidel get his
health care in Spain, doesn't that say it all? When Moore said Iraq
would end in defeat, you knew that was when the surge was going to be
successful. When Moore took after GM management, did he know that
management let the UAW write their own contracts. Now that the UAW owns
GM, will Moore bash management now. Moore is a clown, and it would be a
surprise to me if anyone took him seriously.


Mar 6, 2011, 7:56:00 PM3/6/11

A more vile, distasteful, hypocritical (he's as rich as Daddy Warbucks),
repugnant, lying, un-American, bloated carcass of hatred could hardly be


Mar 6, 2011, 9:14:38 PM3/6/11

"Jarbidge" <c...@neva.invalid> wrote in message

Hey, look on the bright side. Think of the economic boom that the
restaurants will enjoy while this leftist pile of whale shit is in town.


Mar 6, 2011, 9:16:13 PM3/6/11


The buffet lines anyway!

Hello Luby's Cafeteria and Ollie's House-o-Lard...

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Message has been deleted


Mar 6, 2011, 9:26:31 PM3/6/11
On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 19:22:19 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !

The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of Gary 'Yoorg' Roselles:

"She should be at least shot" -- Gary Roselles calling for the
shooting death of duly elected US government official Katherine

"I call Kathering Harris a nazi/fascist right wing ideologue whore.
What did we do to German nazis right wing whores?" -- Roselles clearly
states his motive for gunning down Katherine Harris in cold-blood

"I consider hating RIGHT WING nazi/fascist fucks like you a God
inspired emotion." -- Sociopath Roselles enters Charles Manson
territory as he claims his foam-flecked hatred and calls to murder are
divinely 'inspired'

"Hating RIGHT WINGERS is doing God's work, Dumbapropyl." -- More
Manson-like megalomania from usenet sociopath Gary Roselles

"Who gives a shit what these nuts (religious groups) want or don't
want -- KORESH THEM ALL" -- Psychopath Gary Roselles calls for
widespread fiery deaths of US Religious Groups by the ATF.

"May a real american have the honor of putting a bullet between her
eyes." -- Gary Roselles calls for the brutal shooting death of Rob
Robertson's teenage daughter.

"Go Ahead and put his face there. I ain't blowed a mountain up today.
I can make it (blowing up Mt. Rushmore) look like a mining accident"
-- Ex-miner <chuckle> and Rapid City resident Gary Roselles threatens
to blow up Mt. Rushmore.

"Hinckley TRIED to do a good thing" -- Gary Roselles praises would-be
presidential assassin John Hinckley

"That slut Barbara Olsen (9/11 victim) is dead? GOOD!" On 12 Sept 2001
08:42:54 GMT Gary Roselles <rosell19@idt...> wrote. That's right
folks -- sociopath Gary Roselles really did gloat about the 9/11 death
of fellow citizen Barbara Olsen ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH!!!

"God turned Olsen into jelly" -- Psychopath Gary Roselles says "God
killed" US 9/11 victim Barbara Olsen

"Then why was you mother stupid enough to fuck all them black guys?" -
Gary 'yoorg' Roselles, racist prick

What the fuck would a dumb cocksucker like (Distinguished African-
American Scholar, Thomas) Sowell, who sits out at Stanford, never

worked a day in his Uncle Tom life, know anything?" -- Gary

"Both are traitors to their race" -- Race Purist Gary Roselles on the
importance of Race Loyalty

"You actually think that placing blackskinned, white thinking people
is going to gain anything with real minorities?" -- Gary Roselles,

"Them brown niggers need to be taken out" -- Gary Roselles, Racist

"He (African-American scholar Thomas Sowell) goes against his own
kind." Race loyalist Gary Roselles, insisting once again that “them
blacks” should "stick 

to their own kind"

"His appointment will bridge nothing. It's apparant he's being an
uncle tom to appease voters." -- White trash, racist asshole Gary

slurs African-American Hero General Colin Powell

"Group Negro Poster Pyjamarma admits to being a coconut headed coon"
-- Gary Roselles, pathetic racist

"Say "yes Massa", Uncle Tom." – Vile racist Gary Roselles pathetically
mocks and 

slurs prominent African-American man-of-the-cloth Jesse Lee

"How does a pampered, Stanford based, Scaife funded, Uncle Tom make
judgements on "the bottom", McFly?" -- Another day, another racial
slur on an educated, successful, independent black man from Gary

"Nope, Don't have to hire blacks" -- Gary Roselles, Racist Prick

"Che (Guevara) was a conservative ideologue" - Gary Roselles

"Marx and Engels were RIGHT-WINGERS you dumb cocksucker" -- Gary

"The United States is obligated to follow the DEMOCRATIC rule of the
UN" -- Gary Roselles

"The Soviet Union should've kept Afghanistan" -- Gary Roselles


Mar 6, 2011, 9:26:41 PM3/6/11
On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 19:23:32 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:

> Hmmm?

Cicero Venatio

Mar 6, 2011, 10:17:51 PM3/6/11

> Oh--then how do you explain the 70% support of the workers over that
> of Walker?

>> =============================================================

Your talking points are out of date, the New York Times had it at 80%.
But in the small print it said they only polled union households, oh shucks.

Cicero Venatio

Mar 6, 2011, 10:20:28 PM3/6/11

> When GM allowed the Unions to write their own contracts (as if that
> were true), how is the Union at fault?
> Hmmm?

>> =============================================================

Oh yes it is true. Why do you think without taxpayer money GM no longer

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Message has been deleted


Mar 7, 2011, 12:33:55 AM3/7/11
On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:24:19 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:

> The national support of


Mar 7, 2011, 12:34:08 AM3/7/11
On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 22:24:54 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !

The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of Gary 'Yoorg' Roselles:

Cicero Venatio

Mar 7, 2011, 7:50:10 AM3/7/11

> How would GM not existing benefit America?

>> =============================================================

Gary, we can live without the Volt, the whole mess gets shit canned in
2012 when the GOP takes power.

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Tim Crowley

Mar 7, 2011, 9:44:00 AM3/7/11
On Mar 6, 4:56 pm, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:

> A more vile, distasteful, hypocritical (he's as rich as Daddy Warbucks),
> repugnant, lying, un-American, bloated carcass of hatred could hardly be
> found.

hint: look in the mirror, coward.

Tim Crowley

Mar 7, 2011, 9:44:59 AM3/7/11
On Mar 6, 6:26 pm, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
> On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 19:23:32 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:
> > Hmmm?
> The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of Gary 'Yoorg' Roselles:

awwww, love is in the air.

hint: ur 0wn3d.

Tim Crowley

Mar 7, 2011, 9:57:28 AM3/7/11

He frightens the hell out of you. You stink of fear.


Mar 7, 2011, 10:31:11 AM3/7/11

The Volt works - can you live with 4$/gallon gas?


Mar 7, 2011, 10:31:33 AM3/7/11
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 07:06:31 -0700, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !

The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of Gary 'Yoorg' Roselles:

"She should be at least shot" -- Gary Roselles calling for the


Mar 7, 2011, 10:33:19 AM3/7/11
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 06:44:00 -0800, Tim Crowley wrote:

> On Mar 6, 4:56 pm, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>> A more vile, distasteful, hypocritical (he's as rich as Daddy
>> Warbucks), repugnant, lying, un-American, bloated carcass of hatred
>> could hardly be found.
> hint:

And you also, except for the bloated part.


Mar 7, 2011, 10:33:47 AM3/7/11

I guess so, you and the usenet's worst racist - what a pair.


Mar 7, 2011, 10:34:18 AM3/7/11

He should frighten any decent American.

> You stink of fear.

You reek of cowardice.

Message has been deleted


Mar 8, 2011, 12:49:16 AM3/8/11
On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 21:41:38 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> Are you mad or just some sort of hermit?
> GM hands out record bonuses as it drives back into profit

Did we or did we NOT bail them out?

Are you INSANE?

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Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 8, 2011, 4:30:40 AM3/8/11

And if everybody buys one, the left will finally have to acquiesce to
nuclear power just to keep them on the roads.

Tim Crowley

Mar 8, 2011, 10:03:43 AM3/8/11

that's so funny coming from a no-name. you're too terrified to use
your name, bitch.


Mar 8, 2011, 11:29:10 AM3/8/11
On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 00:43:35 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> Absolutely NOT.

That's a LIE.

U.S. Unlikely To Recoup GM Bailout, Panel Says

> It was a brilliant strategic bankruptcy,not a bailout,that made a profit
> for the American people,kept jobs,and saved a valued American industry.

The U.S. government is unlikely to recover its entire $50 billion
investment in General Motors Co., in part because the Obama
administration unloaded a big block of shares in the company's initial
public offering at $33 a share rather than wait for a higher price, a
federal panel said Wednesday.

The Treasury Department, which took majority ownership of GM in 2009 as
part of the company's bankruptcy reorganization, sold $13.5 billion worth
of GM shares in November, cutting its stake from 61% to about 33%. The
U.S.'s stake is down to 26.5% on a fully-diluted basis.

The decision to sell such a large stake, rather than hold onto the shares
until their value appreciated further, "greatly reduced" the likelihood
that taxpayers would be repaid in full, said the Congressional Oversight
Panel, a body of outside experts that monitors bailout programs.

> Of course you want to destroy America



Mar 8, 2011, 11:30:36 AM3/8/11


Don't you love it when a plan comes together.


Mar 8, 2011, 11:38:54 AM3/8/11
On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 07:03:43 -0800, Tim Crowley wrote:

>> You reek of cowardice.

> that's so funny coming from a no-name. you're too terrified to use
> your name, bitch.

My name's Ed, does that make you less of a coward now?

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Mar 8, 2011, 9:31:22 PM3/8/11
On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:58:26 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> On 8 Mar 2011 17:29:10 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 00:43:35 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>> On 8 Mar 2011 06:49:16 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>>>On Mon, 07 Mar 2011 21:41:38 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>>> On Sun, 06 Mar 2011 20:20:28 -0700, Cicero Venatio
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>> When GM allowed the Unions to write their own contracts (as if
>>>>>>> that were true), how is the Union at fault?
>>>>>>> Hmmm?
>>>>>>>> =============================================================
>>>>>>Oh yes it is true. Why do you think without taxpayer money GM no
>>>>>>longer exists?
>>>>> Are you mad or just some sort of hermit?
>>>>> GM hands out record bonuses as it drives back into profit
>>>>Did we or did we NOT bail them out?
>>> Absolutely NOT.
>>That's a LIE.

> No it was a sound strategic investment.

Iow, you concede it WAS a 'bailout", thank you.

> Try to keep up.

Try and be honest.

> Hint-since being taken over by Murdoch the WSJ has become simply a
> propagandistic sewer pipe akin to Fox.

Blah, blah, blah...


Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 9, 2011, 1:39:58 AM3/9/11

Or we could just import electricity from France...

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Mar 9, 2011, 10:26:40 AM3/9/11



Mar 9, 2011, 10:27:45 AM3/9/11
On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 05:02:02 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> Murdoch's WSJ Still Won't Tell Us What Wisconsin Democrats "Said"

Blah, blah, blah...go read a Wisconsin paper then, troll.

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Not Sure

Mar 10, 2011, 2:13:32 AM3/10/11
On Mar 9, 11:10 pm, Straw Man <> wrote:
> OK but  I will leave the trolling to you rightards if it's all the
> same to you.

If only you'd left your predictions of the GOP not retaking the House
to us, you wouldn't have horribly embarrassed yourself :)

> Well, they seems to focusing on Walker's self-evident lies, the GOP's
> attempts to make money off them before he crashes and burns and the
> horrific consequences for the state's economy of his hidden Koch
> driven agenda.
> At least ,with his latest affront to democracy and slap in the
> face for Wisconsin folk,he has abandoned the ridiculous hollow
> pretence that his attacks on working folk have even a tenuous
> connection with his financial mismanagement and corporate welfare
> schemes.
> PS your filters seem to have serious issues.
> I suspect it's a faulty chair /monitor/keyboard interface problem.
> Kathleen Falk fears effects of Walker's budget on Dane County
> Falk: 'Waiting for over a year to feed your children is not okay.'
> For Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, Gov. Scott Walker's budget is
> "insult upon injury."
> Falk put out a memo
> (PDF) to the County Board Monday, analyzing how the state budget, if
> approved, would affect the county. It's not good, especially for the
> county's poor.
> The biggest hit, she says, comes from the Income Maintenance program,
> which helps poor people access food stamps, BadgerCare and medical
> assistance programs.
> Falk says Income Maintenance is being turned over to a private company
> that manages these programs in other parts of the state. The company
> currently has a backlog of 9,000 clients, who are waiting on average
> 400 days for services.
> "If you are a family that needs food stamps, waiting for over a year
> to feed your children is not okay," Falk says. By contrast, she gives
> a recent example where the county helped a woman who had been thrown
> out of her house obtain medicine for a respiratory illness.
> In addition, she says, clients would have to apply for services
> online.
> Falk says the budget would also force the county to lay off 70 people
> who administer the Income Maintenance program. And it takes away $1.8
> million in aid the county uses to perform required functions.
> "We have to intervene when children are being abused," Falk says,
> naming just one of the county's many obligatory functions. "Every
> dollar the state takes from what is already a small pot of money is
> one less we have to provide services that are needed.
>  Wisconsin Republicans portray protests as 'violent' in quest for
> donations
> In more than three weeks of historic, round-the-clock protests at the
> Capitol involving hundreds of thousands of people, one thing has stood
> out: They have been overwhelmingly peaceful.
> In a news conference last week, Mike Huebsch, secretary of the
> Department of Administration, praised police and protesters alike,
> adding, "It's indicative of the fact that we can strongly disagree and
> not be disagreeable."
> But to the Wisconsin Republican Party, this is all a big cover-up.
> There is violence in Madison, and you'd better keep the kids and
> grandma away from those unruly Capitol mobs, lest they turn their
> drumsticks into clubs.
> Mark Jefferson, head of the Wisconsin Republican Party, sent out a
> fundraising letter to supporters in late February, writing, "Don't be
> fooled by the media hype. These protests are anything but peaceful."
> What insidious things have been happening that the liberal media have
> either not noticed or refused to cover? "Inside the Capitol,
> Republicans have been spit on, pushed around and verbally attacked,"
> Jefferson wrote. "Most legislators can no longer move around without a
> police escort, and threats of violence have become commonplace.�
> How can a person fight back against these unruly mobs? Jefferson
> suggests "a donation of $200, $500 or even $1,000 to the Majority GOP
> Conduit." Think of it as protection money.
> Jefferson did not return numerous calls for details about his claims.
> But they are news to Charles Tubbs, chief of the Capitol Police. Asked
> about these purported threats to legislators, Tubbs says, "I don't
> currently know of anything."
> No one has provided any substantiation for Jefferson's claim that
> "most legislators" are using police escorts, or that threats of
> violence are "commonplace," or that Republicans are being spit on.
> There was one well-publicized incident last week when protesters
> followed Sen. Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend), shouting "shame" at him.
> But the situation was quickly defused, and Grothman later told the
> Capital Times he never felt threatened.
> As of last Friday, there had been about 16 arrests, most for
> disorderly conduct. But Tubbs added that seven or eight of those were
> people who insisted on being arrested. Tubbs praised the protesters'
> behavior: "The cooperation has been unbelievable."
> Huebsch also didn't know of any harassment toward legislators. "If
> there is harassment, for the most part, you can find it out on YouTube
> before I could tell you."
> Adds Rep. Kelda Helen Roys (D-Madison), "Every law enforcement agency
> has said these are peaceful protests with no incidence of violence."
> She calls Jefferson's fundraising screed an attempt "to demonize the
> nurses, firefighters and cops who have been rallying peacefully for
> their rights."

Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 10, 2011, 8:16:33 AM3/10/11
On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 05:02:02 -0800, Straw Man <> wrote:

>Murdoch's WSJ Still Won't Tell Us What Wisconsin Democrats "Said"

Having quit their jobs, Wisconsin Democrats have nothing of value
worth listening to. Not that they did before...


Mar 10, 2011, 11:14:09 AM3/10/11
On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 23:10:30 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> OK but I will leave the trolling to you rightards if

Too late, you scumbag leftist troll.

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Message has been deleted

Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 11, 2011, 6:22:25 AM3/11/11
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:41:49 -0800, Straw Man <> wrote:

>On the contrary- they are precisely doing their jobs representing the
>interests of the folk who elected them.

By scurrying off to sulk in Illinois, the very rats' nest of Democrat

>Trying to force thru Koch driven hidden agendas was NOT what the
>Walker and his cabal was elected for,and they are certainly NOT doing
>their jobs.

The 'rats couldn't handle democracy when it came up and bit them in
the nuts. They ran, and their jobs are forfeit.

>Recall beckons.

They still have feet left to shoot themselves in? We're gonna need
more popcorn...

Tim Crowley

Mar 11, 2011, 9:08:14 AM3/11/11

hint: no-one has ever been afraid of you.

hide, bitch. hide like your life depends on it.


Mar 11, 2011, 10:23:06 AM3/11/11
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:41:49 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

>>Having quit their jobs, Wisconsin Democrats have nothing of value worth
>>listening to. Not that they did before...

> On the contrary- they are precisely doing their jobs representing the
> interests of the folk who elected them.

You damnable LIAR.

Being AWOL from votes is NOT what the voters elected them to do!

> Trying to force thru Koch driven hidden agendas

Ever look at the list of top contributors, fool?

Whatever your take on Scott Walker and Wisconsin's public unions, one
thing I think that needs to end is this demonization of Koch Industries
and this idea that they are the nefarious driving force behind Walker's
budget repair bill. I've already highlighted David H. Koch's considerable
philanthropy and eclectic political views, but let's take a look at just
how involved Koch Industries is with Scott Walker and with the budget
repair bill.

Here are some facts:

Koch Industries gave $43,000 to Walker's campaign in 2010,
approximately 0.47% of his total campaign contributions.
I've read some articles that say that Koch Industries donated
millions on non-candidate specific attack ads. However, I can't find any
evidence on Open Secrets that this is true. David & Julia Koch have
donated over $1 million in soft money, but none since the 2002 election
Looking at the national issues Koch Industries has lobbied about, you
see, predictably, energy-related bills. Not budget. Not labor. There's
simply no evidence of some dark union busting agenda. Sorry.

I get that people can reasonably and passionately disagree with this
bill, but building up a Koch Industries boogie man does nothing to help
their argument. I'm so incredibly sick of this attitude from people on
both sides of the political spectrum that people can't disagree with them
without being evil. David Koch isn't out to destroy the American way of
life any more than George Soros is. Move on.


Mar 11, 2011, 10:23:42 AM3/11/11
On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:46:49 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> As usual,you have little to contribute

Shut up, lying troll.


Mar 11, 2011, 10:24:23 AM3/11/11
On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 06:08:14 -0800, Tim Crowley wrote:

> On Mar 8, 8:38 am, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>> On Tue, 08 Mar 2011 07:03:43 -0800, Tim Crowley wrote:
>> >> You reek of cowardice.
>> > that's so funny coming from a no-name.  you're too terrified to use
>> > your name, bitch.
>> My name's Ed, does that make you less of a coward now?
> hint: no-one has ever been afraid of you.

Hint, you reek of fear.

> hide, bitch. hide like your life depends on it.

Is that a public death threat?

Message has been deleted


Mar 12, 2011, 12:00:05 AM3/12/11

"Cicero Venatio" wrote in message

You know when Michael Moore comes on board on an issue, the
Conservatives know they have won. When Moore made it his mission to save
union jobs in Flint, Michigan you knew they were going to disappear, and
they did. When he proclaimed the Cuban health care system superior to
that of the USA, you knew it had failed. When you saw Fidel get his
health care in Spain, doesn't that say it all? When Moore said Iraq
would end in defeat, you knew that was when the surge was going to be
successful. When Moore took after GM management, did he know that
management let the UAW write their own contracts. Now that the UAW owns
GM, will Moore bash management now. Moore is a clown, and it would be a
surprise to me if anyone took him seriously.

Forget about posting another bullshit. Answer the guy on your post above.
Don't just run away, don't you have an answer for him? You know you lied
don't yah.


Mar 12, 2011, 12:10:16 AM3/12/11
On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 21:00:05 -0800, 2Gemini wrote:

> "Cicero Venatio" wrote in message
> You know when Michael Moore comes on board on an issue, the
> Conservatives know they have won. When Moore made it his mission to save
> union jobs in Flint, Michigan you knew they were going to disappear, and
> they did. When he proclaimed the Cuban health care system superior to
> that of the USA, you knew it had failed. When you saw Fidel get his
> health care in Spain, doesn't that say it all? When Moore said Iraq
> would end in defeat, you knew that was when the surge was going to be
> successful. When Moore took after GM management, did he know that
> management let the UAW write their own contracts. Now that the UAW owns
> GM, will Moore bash management now. Moore is a clown, and it would be a
> surprise to me if anyone took him seriously.
> ================================================================ Forget
> about posting another bullshit.

Shut up and leave.


Mar 12, 2011, 12:10:51 AM3/12/11
On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 19:53:52 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> On 11 Mar 2011 16:23:06 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:41:49 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>>Having quit their jobs, Wisconsin Democrats have nothing of value
>>>>worth listening to. Not that they did before...
>>> On the contrary- they are precisely doing their jobs representing the
>>> interests of the folk who elected them.
>>You damnable LIAR.
>>Being AWOL from votes is NOT what the voters elected them to do!

> Protecting and advancing the interests of the folk

They were OUT OF ORDER!


Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 12, 2011, 8:10:23 AM3/12/11

Crowley's just jealous because he's never had a life...

But keep a bead on him just in case.

Barack Hussein Bohica

Mar 12, 2011, 8:13:28 AM3/12/11
On 11 Mar 2011 16:23:06 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:41:49 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>Having quit their jobs, Wisconsin Democrats have nothing of value worth
>>>listening to. Not that they did before...
>> On the contrary- they are precisely doing their jobs representing the
>> interests of the folk who elected them.
>You damnable LIAR.
>Being AWOL from votes is NOT what the voters elected them to do!

They could have at least voted "present" like Dear Leader...


Mar 12, 2011, 10:41:59 AM3/12/11

Oh yeah...


Mar 13, 2011, 12:56:57 AM3/13/11

"Jarbidge" wrote in message

Shut up and leave.
Make me, kunt.


Mar 13, 2011, 12:59:05 AM3/13/11

Any preferences for how?

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Mar 13, 2011, 12:10:37 PM3/13/11
On Sat, 12 Mar 2011 23:55:37 -0800, Straw Man wrote:

> Indeed Walker

Nope the runaway legislators were.

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Mar 13, 2011, 6:12:07 PM3/13/11
On Sun, 13 Mar 2011 14:50:58 -0700, Straw Man wrote:

> Cite?

Who is paying the expenses for the Democrat legislators that have fled
Wisconsin in order to thwart the will of the people and the
Constitutional mandate for representation? Now in exile for seventeen
days the fourteen Dems have surely incurred substantial expenses. Rumors
abound about outside sources funneling money to Democrats to sustain
their illegal and unethical activities. If true these politicians may be
in violation of Wisconsin statutes which stipulate that receiving money
in this way is a prohibited practice.

“From: Subchapter III, Chapter 13, Wisconsin Statutes (13.625)
Prohibited practices.

(1) No lobbyist may:
(a) Instigate legislative or administrative action for the purpose of
employment in support or opposition thereto.
(b) Furnish to any agency official or legislative employee of the
state or to any
elective state official or candidate for an elective state office, or
to the official’s,
employee’s or candidate’s personal campaign committee:
1. Lodging.
2. Transportation.
3. Food, meals, beverages, money or any other thing of pecuniary

The Washington Examiner [link below] has reported that at least one of
the fugitive Democrats has asked the Wisconsin Government Accountability
Board for an opinion as to whether campaign funds may be used to finance
their retreat from responsibility. Amazingly, the Board, which is made
up of six retired judges and is “charged with oversight of Wisconsin’s
campaign finance, elections, ethics, and lobbying laws,” ruled that it
was OK to use campaign funds for their subversive activities.

The rationale of the Board is a study in liberal obfuscation and
deception. Because Governor Walker has made a statement that the Dems
were using these activities for fund-raising, well, that must be the
case, and since it is for fundraising, then, clearly that’s a legitimate
activity that can be paid for with campaign contributions. The fact that
they are in violation of their oath of office and essentially fugitives
from justice seems to make little difference to the Board. It would seem
that in Wisconsin a politician could purchase an airplane with campaign
funds for the purpose of running drugs across the border by simply
stenciling “Vote Democratic” across the fuselage, making it a campaign

There have been suspicions that union money is being used to finance
these criminals and their obstruction of justice. Most Americans would
think that to be improper and, indeed, the Wisconsin Statutes would
agree. But, with the ruling of the Wisconsin Government Accountability
Board the matter is nicely resolved. The legislators can use campaign
money for their lawless lam and the unions and other unidentified groups
and individuals can simply top off the coffers as the money is used.
It’s a perfect solution. It’s called “money laundering” except when
endorsed by the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board.

But the Board is not the controlling legal authority. It gives opinions,
but this mess is almost certain to be examined in state and federal
courts. We can hope that future courts will see this for what it is—a
scam on Wisconsinites that will garner the perpetrators an appropriate


Mar 14, 2011, 2:26:45 PM3/14/11

"Jarbidge" wrote in message

Any preferences for how?

You're a nutcase, kook.


Mar 14, 2011, 5:45:50 PM3/14/11

You're a redundant moron.

Message has been deleted


Mar 14, 2011, 7:27:35 PM3/14/11
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:33:19 -0600, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !

The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of HUD subsidized, 70-year old, Rapid
City, SD moron Gary 'Yoorg' Roselles:

"She should be at least shot" -- Gary Roselles calling for the
shooting death of duly elected US government official Katherine

"I call Kathering Harris a nazi/fascist right wing ideologue whore.
What didwe do to German nazis right wing whores?" -- Roselles clearly
states his motive for gunning down Katherine Harris in cold-blood

"I consider hating RIGHT WING nazi/fascist fucks like you a God
inspired emotion." -- Sociopath Roselles enters Charles Manson
territory as he claims his foam-flecked hatred and calls to murder are
divinely 'inspired'

"Hating RIGHT WINGERS is doing God's work, Dumbapropyl." -- More
Manson-like megalomania from usenet sociopath Gary Roselles

"Who gives a shit what these nuts (religious groups) want or don't
want -- KORESH THEM ALL" -- Psychopath Gary Roselles calls for
widespread fiery deaths of US Religious Groups by the ATF.

"May a real american have the honor of putting a bullet between her
eyes." -- Gary Roselles calls for the brutal shooting death of Rob
Robertson's teenage daughter.

"Go Ahead and put his face there. I ain't blowed a mountain up today.
I can make it (blowing up Mt. Rushmore) look like a mining accident"
-- Ex-miner <chuckle> and Rapid City resident Gary Roselles threatens
to blow up Mt. Rushmore.

"Hinckley TRIED to do a good thing" -- Gary Roselles praises would-be
presidential assassin John Hinckley

"That slut Barbara Olsen (9/11 victim) is dead? GOOD!" On 12 Sept 2001
08:42:54 GMT Gary Roselles <rosell19@idt...> wrote. That's right
folks -- sociopath Gary Roselles really did gloat about the 9/11 death
of fellow citizen Barbara Olsen ON SEPTEMBER TWELFTH!!!

"God turned Olsen into jelly" -- Psychopath Gary Roselles says "God
killed" US 9/11 victim Barbara Olsen

"Then why was you mother stupid enough to fuck all them black guys?" -
Gary 'yoorg' Roselles, racist prick

What the fuck would a dumb cocksucker like (Distinguished African-
American Scholar, Thomas) Sowell, who sits out at Stanford, never

worked a day in his Uncle Tom life, know anything?" -- Gary

"Both are traitors to their race" -- Race Purist Gary Roselles on the
importance of Race Loyalty

"You actually think that placing blackskinned, white thinking people
is going to gain anything with real minorities?" -- Gary Roselles,

"Them brown niggers need to be taken out" -- Gary Roselles, Racist

"He (African-American scholar Thomas Sowell) goes against his own
kind." Race loyalist Gary Roselles, insisting once again that “them
blacks” should "stick 

to their own kind"

"His appointment will bridge nothing. It's apparant he's being an
uncle tom to appease voters." -- White trash, racist asshole Gary

slurs African-American Hero General Colin Powell

"Group Negro Poster Pyjamarma admits to being a coconut headed coon"
-- Gary Roselles, pathetic racist

"Say "yes Massa", Uncle Tom." – Vile racist Gary Roselles pathetically
mocks and 

slurs prominent African-American man-of-the-cloth Jesse Lee

"How does a pampered, Stanford based, Scaife funded, Uncle Tom make
judgements on "the bottom", McFly?" -- Another day, another racial
slur on an educated, successful, independent black man from Gary

"Nope, Don't have to hire blacks" -- Gary Roselles, Racist Prick

"Che (Guevara) was a conservative ideologue" - Gary Roselles

"Marx and Engels were RIGHT-WINGERS you dumb cocksucker" -- Gary

"The United States is obligated to follow the DEMOCRATIC rule of the
UN" -- Gary Roselles

"The Soviet Union should've kept Afghanistan" -- Gary Roselles


Mar 14, 2011, 10:10:48 PM3/14/11
On Mar 14, 6:33 pm, wrote:

> On 14 Mar 2011 22:45:50 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
> >You're a redundant moron.
> >=============================================================
> On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 16:32:34 -0700 (PDT), Kurtis T. Nicklas of
> 1293 Westbrook Ave, Elon, NC 27244-9372"
> <> wrote in message
> >I don't pay much attention to him these days, but I'd wager he's not
> >happy.
> You sure as shit paid attention when you got caught
> making all those late-night hang-up phone calls, didn't
> ya, Nickkkkers?
> CLICK ! ! !

‘discusses’ African-American Dr.’s Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and

Message has been deleted

F. R. Tlessly

Mar 14, 2011, 11:45:16 PM3/14/11
On 3/14/2011 2:45 PM, ed the spammybitche wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:26:45 -0700, 2Gemini wrote:
>> You're a nutcase, kook.


Bark for the people again, spammybitch!

Do you ever have anything of interest, or substance, to say?

Still jamming your nose up the sphincters of everyone who threatens you,
eh? Poor little skidmark. Do you ever dream of people talking to you
like the adult you will never be?

'Shit happens'
---Traitorous 'Spammy' Ed's reply to the fact that 34 Americans
died and 170 were injured when Israel attacked the USS Liberty.
Spammy is a gutless coward who has never served his country in

F. R. Tlessly

Mar 15, 2011, 12:05:25 AM3/15/11
On 3/14/2011 4:27 PM, Jarbidge wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:33:19 -0600, Yoorghis wrote:
>> CLICK ! ! !



Mar 15, 2011, 12:53:05 AM3/15/11
On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:50:20 -0600, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !

The Amazing Usenet Intellect Of HUD subsidized, 70-year old, Rapid

Message has been deleted


Mar 15, 2011, 10:51:27 AM3/15/11
On Mar 15, 10:28 am, wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 20:50:20 -0600, wrote:

> >On Mon, 14 Mar 2011 16:33:19 -0600, wrote:
> >>On 14 Mar 2011 22:45:50 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
> >>>You're a redundant moron.
> CLICK ! ! !- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Mar 15, 2011, 11:21:20 AM3/15/11
On Tue, 15 Mar 2011 08:28:42 -0600, Yoorghis wrote:

> CLICK ! ! !


Mar 15, 2011, 2:45:29 PM3/15/11
> "The Soviet Union should've kept Afghanistan" -- Gary Roselles- Hide quoted text -


Mar 15, 2011, 8:06:52 PM3/15/11


Mar 16, 2011, 12:25:31 AM3/16/11
On Mar 15, 10:51 am, pyjamarama <> wrote:
> "The Soviet Union should've kept Afghanistan" -- Gary Roselles- Hide quoted text -


Mar 16, 2011, 12:36:45 AM3/16/11
On Mar 15, 10:51 am, pyjamarama <> wrote:
> "The Soviet Union should've kept Afghanistan" -- Gary Roselles- Hide quoted text -
Message has been deleted


Mar 16, 2011, 10:43:09 AM3/16/11
On Wed, 16 Mar 2011 06:05:45 -0700, Straw Man wrote:

> On 13 Mar 2011 23:12:07 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>On Sun, 13 Mar 2011 14:50:58 -0700, Straw Man wrote:
>>> On 13 Mar 2011 17:10:37 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>>>On Sat, 12 Mar 2011 23:55:37 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>>> On 12 Mar 2011 06:10:51 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>On Fri, 11 Mar 2011 19:53:52 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>>>>> On 11 Mar 2011 16:23:06 +0100, Jarbidge <c...@neva.invalid> wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:41:49 -0800, Straw Man wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Having quit their jobs, Wisconsin Democrats have nothing of
>>>>>>>>>>value worth listening to. Not that they did before...
>>>>>>>>> On the contrary- they are precisely doing their jobs
>>>>>>>>> representing the interests of the folk who elected them.
>>>>>>>>You damnable LIAR.
>>>>>>>>Being AWOL from votes is NOT what the voters elected them to do!
>>>>>>> Protecting and advancing the interests of the folk
>>>>>>They were OUT OF ORDER!
>>>>> Indeed Walker
>>>>Nope the runaway legislators were.
>>> Cite?

> I meant a cite

Shut up, fuck off.

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