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Ok Righturds, try 'splainin this....

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May 4, 2013, 5:07:14 PM5/4/13

The Righturds don't want to use tax money for Social services benefiting
American citizens and bash Obama at every turn when he does. But their fought
and paid for war (same US tax money) is delivering bags of cash to the
Afghanistan puppet regime. Cash that ends up in the hands of drug and warlords
and nothing but crickets from you 'turds. Seems your true colors are showing.


May 5, 2013, 8:04:39 PM5/5/13
Last I heard a liberal democrat has been the president here for over 4
seems to me he is handing over the money eh? or are you still blaming
bush even though he has not been pres for a number of years...
one wonders when the liberals are going to man up and start running
the government and quit blaming some one else?

PS: black unemployment is higher under a black prez then under the
previous white president. go figure. lol


May 5, 2013, 8:46:31 PM5/5/13
On Sun, 05 May 2013 13:04:39 -0700, SmilePlease <> wrote:

>On Sat, 04 May 2013 19:07:14 +0200, "Moder@tor" <> wrote:
>>The Righturds don't want to use tax money for Social services benefiting
>>American citizens and bash Obama at every turn when he does. But their fought
>>and paid for war (same US tax money) is delivering bags of cash to the
>>Afghanistan puppet regime. Cash that ends up in the hands of drug and warlords
>>and nothing but crickets from you 'turds. Seems your true colors are showing.
>Last I heard a liberal democrat has been the president here for over 4

True, but you hear no Righturds complaining about this. They only complain about
entitlements and 'Obamacare' and such. Why? Do you agree that the CIA should
still be giving bagloads of cash to Karzai's office off the books? Off the books
cash that admittedly ends up in the hands of warlords and druglords? There
hasn't even been information released as to how much. And I am quite sure it is
not the only program of its kind. All paid for out of our tax money.

>seems to me he is handing over the money eh?

Continuing the same program started prior to him, yes. Does that make the prior
one to blame, the present one to blame, or both? I say both.

>or are you still blaming
>bush even though he has not been pres for a number of years...

Answer the above question I pose. The answer is quite clear. Wrong is wrong.

>one wonders when the liberals are going to man up and start running
>the government and quit blaming some one else?

Another Righturd trying to lay the blame of programs started under prior
administration solely on Obama. Granted, he should have stopped all of the BS
started before his time, including the Solar investment disasters, bailout
money, etc.,etc.,etc. Trying to lay this all on one or the other is just plain


May 6, 2013, 6:52:32 AM5/6/13
On Sun, 05 May 2013 22:46:31 +0200, "Moder@tor" <> wrote:

>On Sun, 05 May 2013 13:04:39 -0700, SmilePlease <> wrote:
>>On Sat, 04 May 2013 19:07:14 +0200, "Moder@tor" <> wrote:
>>>The Righturds don't want to use tax money for Social services benefiting
>>>American citizens and bash Obama at every turn when he does. But their fought
>>>and paid for war (same US tax money) is delivering bags of cash to the
>>>Afghanistan puppet regime. Cash that ends up in the hands of drug and warlords
>>>and nothing but crickets from you 'turds. Seems your true colors are showing.
>>Last I heard a liberal democrat has been the president here for over 4
>True, but you hear no Righturds complaining about this. They only complain about
>entitlements and 'Obamacare' and such. Why? Do you agree that the CIA should
>still be giving bagloads of cash to Karzai's office off the books? Off the books
>cash that admittedly ends up in the hands of warlords and druglords? There
>hasn't even been information released as to how much. And I am quite sure it is
>not the only program of its kind. All paid for out of our tax money.
For sure it does seem weird to be handing over money as u say. But
sometimes it works best that way. Jimmy Carter was handing over money
to the poppy growers over there to prevent them from growing poppies
(if my memory is correct) back in the 70's...and I read where it was

And I read a book recently about how the CIA was handing over money
and actually making pretty good progress in getting osama in the early
days before the troopers moved in. It was written by a former cia guy.

Personnally we ought to freeze all the money going over to the middle
east until we get our debts paid off. or at least till we get our
economy figured out and moving again. Not one dime to anyone or any
government complicit in killing americans.

Obama did an an excellent job in my book not caving in to the north
koreans recently. Screw them...they can talk trash all they want.
Obama ought to fly a few more bombers over there for war games hehe.
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