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Penis Size and other Eternal Questions

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Arthur Hu

Oct 24, 1994, 11:22:43 AM10/24/94
Call for Penis Survey -

There's a bit of controversy over the validity of data by a guy
named J Phillipe Rushton. What follows is a reprint about the guy
who claims Asians are not only smarter, but have smaller penises,
and the reverse for black americans.

There was an eariler internet poll on penis size, but it did not
take race into account. It looks like Rushton may have been the only
person to ever make such a study that compares race, if everybody
is going to insinuate, and either claim, without evidence, that the
sizes are either the same (not likely, there isn't any partr of the
body that is exactlty the same average size for every race...) or
different, there should be some evidence.

So here's a poll, send responses back to or Only persons with a penis need reply, or you
reply on the behalf of someone else's...

You can use the reply feature of your news reader to answer...

1. What's your race / ethnicity

2. What's the length of the penis from base to end soft, and
erect, in inches (cm OK too)

3. What's your weight and height and show size (hypotheis is
that different races should be differnet, Asians are smaller)

4. Are you circumsized? - In general, it is believed that blacks
and Asians and Latinos are much less likely, but there are no
survyes which give an actual figure. This one may be the first,
if not a very good one.

5. Are you a vegetarian (different question entirely, but another
one I'm looking for real numbers on)

6. If you're female, what's your bra size, weight, height, shoe size.
(hypothesis is that Asian females aren't as "shapely", though this
doens't seem to hurt in the interracial dating game)

7. What's your estimated IQ or SAT scores if you remember or
don't remember or decline to give. (If there's a link, internettters
are pretty high on the IQ, and size should be smaller, which does
not appear to be the case based on the previous internet survey)

(All completely confidential, I will NOT follow up on any of this to
anybody that returns, and don't post your own results unless you
really want everybody to see)

My position on the question is that a) it doesn't matter unless
you think it matters b) it doesn't have any effect on sexual
prowess, unless you can dig up a study that shows otherwise, in
case, so what? c) it's probably different, so deal with it like
a man and not a bunch of boys giggling in the shower. d) I don't
think there's a link other than coincidental between intelligence
and size, unless you want to give out your IQ as well e) all you
pc types that continue to preach that everything is equal regardless
of the evidence, and any evidence that anybody digs up is invalid
because the result is wrong should just grow up.

Here's what I've found on penis size so far...

DOC922\PSIZE.TXT penis size survey
Cosmopolitan April 92 p. 104
Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy

Min Avg Max Vs Internet Poll
Soft 3.3" 3.7" 4.1" 0.5" 3.5" 5.8"
Erect 4.7" 6.0" 7.0" 4.5" 6.5" 10.5"
Circumf 2.3" 4.7" 2.0" 5.0" 8.7"
Erection adds about 30% to length

Average weight for Internet poll - 70" tall 161 lbs

Kinsey says that 24% are average
5% are less than 3.5
1% are larger than 9

From alt-sex-faq 1 Jul 1992:
c3-14. What's the average length and width penis?

Source: "Race Differences in Behaviour: A Review and Evolutionary
by J. Philippe Rushton, Dept. of Psychology, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2
in "Journal of Personality and Individual Differences"
Vol. 9, No. 6, 1009-1024, 1988.

According to a paper by J. Philippe Rushton, the average size for erect
penises is:

Group Length Diameter
Orientals 4 - 5.5" 1.25"
Caucasians 5.5 - 6" 1.3 - 1.6"
Blacks 6.25 - 8" 2"

Myself as ASian test case - 4.5"
Note that Rushton results are consistent with Internet
population, which is mostly white, and using myself as a
sample falls about middle for Rushton's claim, which is
clearly outside the caucasian range.

Reprinted from the AmOnline version of New Republic (OK to reprint
for educational purposes only)

10/31/94 NEO-NAZIS!

The New Republic does not include footnotes, which is unfortunate in the case
of Murray and Herrnstein. For by examining the citations in Chapter 13 of The
Bell Curve, from which much of this article is adapted, readers can more
easily recognize the project for what it is: a chilly synthesis of the
findings of eccentric race theorists and eugenicists. Murray and Herrnstein
cannot be held to account for all the views of these scholars. It is useful,
however, to examine the sources, which are disclosed in their book but not in
these pages.

Murray and Herrnstein's discussion of white-Asian i.q. differences is
drawn largely from data cited in a 1991 article by Richard Lynn of the
University of Ulster that appeared in Roger Pearson's neo-eugenicist
journal Mankind Quarterly. (In a 1966 article Pearson argued that "if
a nation with a more advanced, more specialized or in any way superior
set of genes mingles with, instead of exterminating, an inferior
tribe, then it commits racial suicide.") Lynn and Hans Wilhelm
Jurgens, a German anthropologist who has advocated the internment
sterilization of hereditary "anti-socials," served as associate
editors of Mankind Quarterly.

Lynn's 1991 article, "Race Differences in Intelligence: A Global
Perspective," reviews the "world literature on racial differences in
intelligence"--beginning with studies of "pure African Negroids"
carried out in South Africa in 1929--and concludes that "Mongoloids
have the fastest reaction times" and the highest i.q.s, "followed by
Caucasoids and then by Negroids." After examining "1,500 of the most
important technological and scientific discoveries which have ever
been made," Lynn reaches this conclusion: "Who can doubt that the
Caucasoids and the Mongoloids are the only two races that have made
any significant contribution to civilization?"

Lynn includes an exotic explanation for the racial differences he
purports to discover: the ancestral migrations of groups of early
hominids from the relatively benign environments of Africa to the
harsher and more demanding Eurasian latitudes. Similar theories,
Murray and Herrnstein note without irony, "were not uncommon among
anthropologists and biologists of a generation or two ago." The 1991
article is not the only instance of data that Murray and Herrnstein
draw from Lynn's summaries of the field. In the acknowledgments to The
Bell Curve, Murray and Herrnstein say they "benefited especially from
the advice" of Lynn, whom they later identify only as "a scholar of
racial and ethnic differences."

In The Bell Curve, Murray and Herrnstein also introduce readers to the
work of J. Phillipe Rushton, a Canadian psychologist. Rushton has
argued that Asians are more intelligent than Caucasians, have larger
brains for their body size, smaller penises, lower sex drive, are less
fertile, work harder and are more readily socialized; and Caucasians
have the same relationship to blacks. In his most recent book, Race,
Evolution and Behavior, Rushton acknowledges the assistance of
Herrnstein; and Murray and Herrnstein return the compliment, devoting
two pages of their book to a defense of Rushton. Among the views that
Herrnstein and Murray suggest Rushton has supported with
"increasingly detailed and convincing empirical reports" is the theory
that, in their words, "the average Mongoloid is toward one end of the
continuum of reproductive strategies--the few offspring, high survival
and high parental investment end--the average Negroid is shifted

toward the other end, and the average Caucasoid is in the middle."

Murray and Herrnstein go out of their way to say that "Rushton's work
is not that of a crackpot or a bigot." In fact, Rushton was censured
by the University of Western Ontario for paying 150 participants at a
local mall--one-third were black, one-third white and one-third
Asian--to answer such questions as: "How far can you ejaculate?" and
"How large is your penis?" Interviewed in the most recent issue of
Rolling Stone, Rushton summarizes his research agenda: "Even if you
take things like athletic ability or sexuality--not to reinforce
stereotypes--but it's a trade-off: more brain or more penis. You can't
have everything." And in a 1986 article in Politics and Life Sciences,
Rushton suggested that Nazi Germany's military prowess was connected
to the purity of its gene pool, and warned that egalitarian ideas
endangered "North European civilization."

Anticipating Murray's celebration of "clannish self-esteem," Rushton
devotes an entire chapter of his book to a genetic explanation for
ethnocentrism: "According to genetic similarity theory, people can be
expected to favor their own group over others." And Rushton speculates
that "favoritism for one's own ethnic group may have arisen as an
extension of enhancing family and social cohesiveness." The Bell
Curve, too, flirts with the notion that enthnocentrism is hereditary.

Murray's racialist notion of American blacks and whites as culturally and
genetically distinct "clans" seems especially implausible in an era when the
healthy growth of ethnic intermarriage promises to undermine the concept of
coherent racial classification entirely. It's not surprising to discover,
after scratching the surface of Murray's footnotes, the shabbiness of the
tradition on which he has staked his reputation.

Jeffrey Rosen & Charles Lane

Donn F. Pedro

Oct 24, 1994, 12:14:55 PM10/24/94
Arthur Hu ( wrote:
: Call for Penis Survey -

Well, at least he's found another calling.


Oct 24, 1994, 3:13:30 PM10/24/94
Arthur Hu ( wrote the following words of wisdom:
: Call for Penis Survey -

I didn't know you could fart with your jimmy!!!

Into the kill file
-------------------------- Sign below the dotted line --------------------

The snake will eat the contents of the frogs belly.

Ed Brown -
(Under construction)


Oct 24, 1994, 3:48:10 PM10/24/94
Arthur Hu wrote:

>Cosmopolitan April 92 p. 104
>Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy
> Min Avg Max Vs Internet Poll
>Soft 3.3" 3.7" 4.1" 0.5" 3.5" 5.8"
>Erect 4.7" 6.0" 7.0" 4.5" 6.5" 10.5"

^^^^ ^^^^^

On the internet, no one can tell you're a horse.

Janos Szamosfalvi

Oct 25, 1994, 9:47:13 PM10/25/94
Arthur Hu ( wrote:
: Call for Penis Survey -

I guess penis size is a very important issue of a contemporary
'Man'kind... at least for some. ;-)

: 1. What's your race / ethnicity

: 2. What's the length of the penis from base to end soft, and
: erect, in inches (cm OK too)

: [ some more questions deleted ]

A long time ago I saw some dating game on Playboy, and according
to one girl there, the penis size is proportional to the hand's
(palm's) size. She didn't disclose her sources (probably not
the Kinsey report ;-), but who knows, there could be some truth
in her words. In any case, next time, you may also want to ask
about the hand's size.

[ rest deleted ]

BTW, keep up the good work, this was one of the most entertaining
post I've ever read. ;-)

Oct 25, 1994, 10:13:54 PM10/25/94
Mr.Ed wrote:
: Arthur Hu wrote:

A horse is a horse, of course.

But what if black men do have larger and thicker penises?

Since penises are a reproductive organ, maybe blacks are actually
superior, but in ways that white people either haven't figured out or
won't admit.

Anyway, the way which any reasonable person would look at the alleged
stats are that: blacks have bigger penises and penises are reproductive
organs, blacks must be superior ERGO they are meant to reproduce more for
the survival of the human race.

Unless, of course, size doesn't make any difference.

But the answer to that depends on who you ask.

And since we are all apart of what we observe, no one knows a damn thing,


If anything can possibly go wrong
it will go wrong - but it can be
used to your advantage - provided,
of course, things go wrong enough.


Oct 26, 1994, 1:48:54 AM10/26/94
: Arthur Hu ( wrote:
: : Call for Penis Survey -

[snort] Rushton was a crank. (This is the funniest variant on the old line:
"Men think with their dicks," that I've seen in a long time!)

: A long time ago I saw some dating game on Playboy, and according

: to one girl there, the penis size is proportional to the hand's
: (palm's) size. She didn't disclose her sources (probably not
: the Kinsey report ;-), but who knows, there could be some truth
: in her words. In any case, next time, you may also want to ask
: about the hand's size.

Actually, I was told something similar by a gay friend of mine. He told
me that if a guy curls his fingers down towards his wrist as far as he can
reach, then completely opens his palm, the distance from where his lowest
curled finger was to the tip of his middle finger is roughly equivalent to
penis length. Something about standard proportions in human bodies -- the
other example he gave was that the length of your foot should correspond
to the distance between your wrist and the crook of your elbow. (The foot
thing actually works for me.) In this folk wisdom, the shape of the
fingers is also supposed to give some indication of the shape of the
penis. Go figure.

BTW, as for men of African descent, here's a tidbit to factor into your
locker-room observations: Generally, guys can be divided, penis-wise,
into "growers" and "show-ers". "Growers" are guys whose penises tend to
contract a lot lengthwise when flaccid, while "show-ers" are guys whose
penises could be said to merely "deflate" without contracting much in
length. Apparently, being a carrier of the gene for sickle-cell anemia
results in being a "show-er", and roughly 1 in 10 African-American males
is a carrier of the gene. (Despite the fact getting the sickle-cell gene
from both parents can be devastating and even fatal, simply having one
copy of the gene and being a carrier provides heightened immunity to
malaria, so this positive effect may help explain why the gene persisted.)
If a guy who's a "grower: looks at a "show-er" in the shower (oops, that
was awkward!), and expects the "show-er" to experience the same
proportional change in length during erection, then *voila!* -- the myth of
the "Ten Foot Pole" is born.


Dave Radin

Oct 26, 1994, 10:13:45 PM10/26/94
In article <38kqk6$>, (jenster) wrote:

: Actually, I was told something similar by a gay friend of mine. He told

: me that if a guy curls his fingers down towards his wrist as far as he can
: reach, then completely opens his palm, the distance from where his lowest
: curled finger was to the tip of his middle finger is roughly equivalent to
: penis length. Something about standard proportions in human bodies -- the
: other example he gave was that the length of your foot should correspond
: to the distance between your wrist and the crook of your elbow. (The foot
: thing actually works for me.) In this folk wisdom, the shape of the
: fingers is also supposed to give some indication of the shape of the
: penis. Go figure.

Neither works for me...


Dave Radin | | "I do not know whether I was then a man
| dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I
Finger | am now a butterfly dreaming I am a man."
for my PGP 2.6 public key.| --Chuang-tzu

Ian Shook

Oct 26, 1994, 11:01:05 PM10/26/94

In article <38gjg3$> (Arthur Hu) writes:
> Call for Penis Survey --

> 1. What's your race / ethnicity

I am a white penis from Oklahoma :-)

> 2. What's the length of the penis from base to end soft, and
> erect, in inches (cm OK too)

I am a short (3"), white, penis....
but I am excited to say that sometimes I am 7"

> 3. What's your weight and height and show size (hypotheis is
> that different races should be differnet, Asians are smaller)

I am one pound two ounces, and as I said before I am 3", but
for the right guest my "show" size is 7". And when we penises
get together on the differnet there is no ethnicity, only
penis envy, and penis prejudice.

> 4. Are you circum sized?

No, I am average sized, but frequently aerobisized

> 5. Are you a vegetarian (different question entirely, but another
> one I'm looking for real numbers on)

I was attracted to a celery once...But then I realized that it
was only celery envy.

> 6. If you're female, what's your bra size, weight, height, shoe size.

I think you're confused here, I am a *P*E*N*I*S* and I do not drag.

> 7. What's your estimated IQ or SAT scores if you remember or
> don't remember or decline to give.

Uh, I don't remember any IQ anything....I'm a penis. But, I
do recall my SAT score..twice in the last month when I was
in tight jeans.

Hey, and a message to all you other penises out there! We are starting
a penis newsgroup for all penises to talk about penisness. It will
be called and it doesn't matter if you're a hard

Oct 27, 1994, 9:28:49 AM10/27/94

IP>In article <38gjg3$> (Arthur Hu) write
IP>> Call for Penis Survey --
IP>> 1. What's your race / ethnicity

IP>I am a white penis from Oklahoma :-)
IP>> 2. What's the length of the penis from base to end soft, and
IP>> erect, in inches (cm OK too)

IP>I am a short (3"), white, penis....
IP>but I am excited to say that sometimes I am 7"

IP>> 3. What's your weight and height and show size (hypotheis is
IP>> that different races should be differnet, Asians are smaller)

IP>I am one pound two ounces, and as I said before I am 3", but
IP>for the right guest my "show" size is 7". And when we penises
IP>get together on the differnet there is no ethnicity, only
IP>penis envy, and penis prejudice.

IP>> 4. Are you circum sized?

IP>No, I am average sized, but frequently aerobisized

IP>> 5. Are you a vegetarian (different question entirely, but another
IP>> one I'm looking for real numbers on)

IP>I was attracted to a celery once...But then I realized that it
IP>was only celery envy.

IP>> 6. If you're female, what's your bra size, weight, height, shoe size.

IP>I think you're confused here, I am a *P*E*N*I*S* and I do not drag.
IP>> 7. What's your estimated IQ or SAT scores if you remember or
IP>> don't remember or decline to give.

IP>Uh, I don't remember any IQ anything....I'm a penis. But, I
IP>do recall my SAT score..twice in the last month when I was
IP>in tight jeans.

IP>Hey, and a message to all you other penises out there! We are starting
IP>a penis newsgroup for all penises to talk about penisness. It will
IP>be called and it doesn't matter if you're a hard
IP>penis are hardly a penis. Come one come all!

But please don't come in my mouth...

Aaron Douthat

Oct 27, 1994, 1:54:36 PM10/27/94
<> wrote:

>But what if black men do have larger and thicker penises?
>Since penises are a reproductive organ, maybe blacks are actually
>superior, but in ways that white people either haven't figured out or
>won't admit.
>Anyway, the way which any reasonable person would look at the alleged
>stats are that: blacks have bigger penises and penises are reproductive
>organs, blacks must be superior ERGO they are meant to reproduce more for
>the survival of the human race.

Sounds like good solid sociobiology.

Find a way to market this idea and you'll be rich, just like
the dynamic "bell curve" duo.


Gary H

Oct 27, 1994, 8:37:57 PM10/27/94

In article <38gjg3$> (Arthur Hu) writes:
>Call for Penis Survey -
>There's a bit of controversy over the validity of data by a guy
>named J Phillipe Rushton. What follows is a reprint about the guy
>who claims Asians are not only smarter, but have smaller penises,
>and the reverse for black americans.
>There was an eariler internet poll on penis size, but it did not
>take race into account. It looks like Rushton may have been the only
>person to ever make such a study that compares race, if everybody
>is going to insinuate, and either claim, without evidence, that the
>sizes are either the same (not likely, there isn't any partr of the
>body that is exactlty the same average size for every race...) or
>different, there should be some evidence.
>2. What's the length of the penis from base to end soft, and
>erect, in inches (cm OK too)
>3. What's your weight and height and show size (hypotheis is
>that different races should be differnet, Asians are smaller)

> According to a paper by J. Philippe Rushton, the average size for erect
> penises is:
> Group Length Diameter
> Orientals 4 - 5.5" 1.25"
> Caucasians 5.5 - 6" 1.3 - 1.6"
> Blacks 6.25 - 8" 2"


I'm glad you have #3. Let's take the above groups. I bet for the three
groups above, the average height from short to tall is in this order:
asians, caucasians, and blacks. Now, I wonder how the average size will
differ if you go out and find guys (asians, caucasians, and blacks) all
exactly 6 foot. Will there then be a difference in penis size? I believe
the data above was not from a controlled study.



Oct 28, 1994, 10:37:05 AM10/28/94
Aaron Douthat ( wrote:
: Sounds like good solid sociobiology.

: Find a way to market this idea and you'll be rich, just like
: the dynamic "bell curve" duo.

Actually, if you really wanted to be like the duo, you'd be half-dead.

: Aaron

Duane Bindschadler

Oct 28, 1994, 3:32:10 PM10/28/94

Ooh, now there's an idea. Maybe we can Arthur Hu to volunteer, and
S.C.African.American will no longer be subjected to his absurd

bindsch | "This is geology, not malevolence!" |
@ \ / | - Cmdr. William Riker, |
(phew!) \ Enterprise /

Bryan Wu

Oct 29, 1994, 1:07:28 AM10/29/94
In <38kqk6$> (jenster) writes:
>Actually, I was told something similar by a gay friend of mine. He told
>me that if a guy curls his fingers down towards his wrist as far as he can
>reach, then completely opens his palm, the distance from where his lowest
>curled finger was to the tip of his middle finger is roughly equivalent to
>penis length. Something about standard proportions in human bodies

On average, that's probably true for the median - but as with any bell
curve, there are people who break with the trend. This begs the question
- since Asian Americans are not so small any more (because like most
Americans, we eat too much hormone laced meat or somethign), then it
would follow that Asian American penises are still proportional.

>BTW, as for men of African descent, here's a tidbit to factor into your
>locker-room observations: Generally, guys can be divided, penis-wise,
>into "growers" and "show-ers". "Growers" are guys whose penises tend to


>If a guy who's a "grower: looks at a "show-er" in the shower (oops, that
>was awkward!), and expects the "show-er" to experience the same
>proportional change in length during erection, then *voila!* -- the myth of
>the "Ten Foot Pole" is born.

Again, this is true. My guess - climate - people (well, men, and women
too I suppose:) who live in colder climates would benefit from penises
that don't dangle far out from the body. While in warmer climes, the
opposite would be true.

Anyway, since Asians make up 60% of the world's population, I don't think
those researchers can really make an arguement that Asians are less
sexually active.


Susan C. Mitchell

Oct 30, 1994, 4:58:30 PM10/30/94
Bryan Wu ( wrote:

: In <38kqk6$> (jenster) writes:
: >Actually, I was told something similar by a gay friend of mine. He told
: >me that if a guy curls his fingers down towards his wrist as far as he can
: >reach, then completely opens his palm, the distance from where his lowest
: >curled finger was to the tip of his middle finger is roughly equivalent to
: >penis length. Something about standard proportions in human bodies

: On average, that's probably true for the median - but as with any bell
: curve, there are people who break with the trend. This begs the question

I asked my brother about this. He has unusually large hands, and is
double-jointed. He reported that his downflex-to-extended-finger
measurement is nineteen inches.

Think globally, act locally.

"We, the people, are not free. Our democracy is but a name. We vote?
What does that mean? We choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee."
-- Helen Keller

Oct 30, 1994, 4:37:38 PM10/30/94
Aaron Douthat ( wrote:
: <> wrote:

: Aaron

Hi Aaron,

I wish I could find a way to market this idea. Perhaps a book is in
order on this subject. I'll call it the "Dong Curve."


Oct 31, 1994, 3:36:53 AM10/31/94
Bryan Wu ( wrote:

Damn 60%? I thought we made up only 1/4 of the world's population.

Paul Thomas

Nov 1, 1994, 4:17:51 PM11/1/94
[A wrote:

: Aaron Douthat ( wrote:
: : <> wrote:

: : >But what if black men do have larger and thicker penises?
: : >
: : >Since penises are a reproductive organ, maybe blacks are actually
: : >superior, but in ways that white people either haven't figured out or
: : >won't admit.
: : >
: : >Anyway, the way which any reasonable person would look at the alleged
: : >stats are that: blacks have bigger penises and penises are reproductive
: : >organs, blacks must be superior ERGO they are meant to reproduce
: : >more for the survival of the human race.

: : Sounds like good solid sociobiology.

I think there is a little bit of 'phallicy', (to be punny) involved in the
idea[A that bigge[B [Br means superior and that superior means something is
_meant_ to achieve realization. Biology doesn't 'intend' for anything to
happen beyond the survival and perpetuation of those individuals and,
consequently, species that are better equipped at resource utilization,
mate gathering and keeping, and survival of offspring to reproductive
maturity. So, larger and thicker pernises are only an _advantage_, and this,
only if they promote one of these aspects of species survival. For
such equipment to actually mean anything biologically, would require at
least that the potent[Aial recipient have prior knowledge that larger and
thicker penises are more pleasurable and/or an indicator of biological
importance, or there would have to be some nonconscious drive (eg,
instinct) to seek out the big dudes. This argument does assume that
having a larger and thicker penis does not imply any other thing about
the wielder of the penis. THat is, it assumes that having a larger and
thicker penis does not correlate with any other biologically meaningful
trait such as increased sexual aggressiveness, or large body size,
things that may also effect choice in mating or probbaility of success.

If you remember that what exists as a functional, successful
biological group (species, etc.) currently is the product of those
aspects of its genetic history that worked within the experiment called
Life, then you may undrstand my point. Just MHO,

Wei Liang Yean

Nov 1, 1994, 3:59:49 PM11/1/94

> Damn 60%? I thought we made up only 1/4 of the world's population.

I think he includes the following:

China -- 1 billion +
India -- 1 billion (real soon)
SE&E Asia -- about 0.6 billion
Asian part of Ex-Soviet Union -- ???

would total almost 3 billion

(Actually, I'd probably say something like half the world's population.)

Anil Das

Nov 2, 1994, 1:00:53 AM11/2/94
In article <392ab5$>,
(Talkative) writes:

> Bryan Wu ( wrote:
> : Anyway, since Asians make up 60% of the world's population, I
> don't think
> : those researchers can really make an arguement that Asians
> are less
> : sexually active.
> Damn 60%? I thought we made up only 1/4 of the world's
> population.
World population == 5 billion
Population of China == 1 billion
Population of India == 1 billion

These are just two countries in Asia and they already make up 40%
of world
population. Sure, the figures are approximate, but 1/4th is

Anil Das

Wei Liang Yean

Nov 2, 1994, 5:59:32 PM11/2/94
In article <398oah$>, (Ray
Jones) wrote:

> Anil Das ( wrote:
> :
> If you check, you will also find that Indians are Caucasians (dark skined
> but Caucasians) NOT Asian. This tread was about race not continent of
> origian.

I was considering the Indians to be Asians, as many of them consider
themselves to be Asians, (at least the ones I knew back home)...This seems
logical, because they have been in Asia for millenia. If you really want to
take ancient history into account, then all of us are Africans!

Bryan Wu

Nov 2, 1994, 4:06:02 AM11/2/94

I added it up from the Almanac - don't forget countries like Japan, Korea,
Pakistan, etc. I didn't include the middle East or Russia though
(although I did include Mongolia, I think).


Anil Das

Nov 2, 1994, 11:05:42 PM11/2/94
In article <398oah$>, (Ray Jones) writes:
> If you check, you will also find that Indians are Caucasians
> (dark skined
> but Caucasians) NOT Asian. This tread was about race not
> continent of
> origian.

Asia is huge. It is not just in East Asia that you will find
Asians. The fact that there are more immigrants from East Asia in
US than from any other part of Asia doesn't give Americans the
to hijack the term `Asian' to refer to East Asians.

As for considering Indians as dark skinned caucasians,
you will have to define the term race properly. My understanding
race is that it refers to certain features of outward appearence
a person, like shape of nose, lips, color of skin etc. Under such
definition, it is not possible to classify Indians as
unless you either ignore a significant portion of the Indian
population or start out with the rigid mentality that everybody
has to fit into some predefined racial classifications and
the category Indians seem to fit best is caucasian.

Maybe what you should do now is point me to a book.

I have one more question to ask. What exactly is the
`Asian' race? Does it include the people of Japan? Korea?
Vietnam? Malaysia? East Russia? The Eastern members of the CIS?

Anil Das

Jim Davis

Nov 2, 1994, 12:00:17 PM11/2/94
Seems to me that all this talk about size, thickness, color, etc. is
totally off the mark. The real deciding factor is the powerhouse behind
the equipment, i.e. it don't mean a thing what your vehicle looks like or
what size it is if you ain't got a big enuf engine driving it to get you
where you wanta go and the way you wanta get there. ((-:

Flo Chien

Nov 2, 1994, 11:49:01 AM11/2/94
In article <392ab5$> (Talkative) writes:

>Damn 60%? I thought we made up only 1/4 of the world's population.

The Chinese make up 1/4 of the world's population.

- Flo Chien

Ray Jones

Nov 2, 1994, 2:12:17 PM11/2/94
Anil Das ( wrote:
: In article <392ab5$>,

If you check, you will also find that Indians are Caucasians (dark skined

but Caucasians) NOT Asian. This tread was about race not continent of

INTERNET: r...@Celestial.COM Ray A. Jones; Celestial Software
8545 SE 68 St., Mercer Island, WA 98040; (206) 236-1676
The probability of one or more spelling errors in this missive approaches
unity. If this bothers you, run it through your spell checker!

William C. Overman

Nov 4, 1994, 1:04:23 PM11/4/94
:Ray Jones ( wrote:
: Anil Das ( wrote:
: : In article <398oah$>,

: : (Ray Jones) writes:
: : > If you check, you will also find that Indians are Caucasians
: : > (dark skined
: : > but Caucasians) NOT Asian. This tread was about race not
: : > continent of
: : > origian.

: : Asia is huge. It is not just in East Asia that you will find
: : Asians. The fact that there are more immigrants from East Asia in
: : the
: : US than from any other part of Asia doesn't give Americans the
: : right
: : to hijack the term `Asian' to refer to East Asians.

: : As for considering Indians as dark skinned caucasians,
: : you will have to define the term race properly. My understanding
: : of
: : race is that it refers to certain features of outward appearence
: : of
: : a person, like shape of nose, lips, color of skin etc. Under such

: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
: Color of skin has nothing to do with race. In each race there is a large
: range in skin color, from vary dark to vary light. Aboriginies (sp?) to
: Chinese for Asians, Indians to Sweads for caucasians. Race has more to do
: with facial bone shape. Color has more to do with how much sun a group has
: been exposed to through history.

: : a

: : definition, it is not possible to classify Indians as
: : caucasians,
: : unless you either ignore a significant portion of the Indian
: : population or start out with the rigid mentality that everybody
: : has to fit into some predefined racial classifications and
: : the category Indians seem to fit best is caucasian.

: : Maybe what you should do now is point me to a book.

: : I have one more question to ask. What exactly is the
: : `Asian' race? Does it include the people of Japan? Korea?
: : Vietnam? Malaysia? East Russia? The Eastern members of the CIS?
: : Philipines?

: Yes and toss in those on Pacific islands, American Indians and Austr.
: : --
: : Anil Das
: :

: --

: INTERNET: r...@Celestial.COM Ray A. Jones; Celestial Software
: 8545 SE 68 St., Mercer Island, WA 98040; (206) 236-1676
: The probability of one or more spelling errors in this missive approaches
: unity. If this bothers you, run it through your spell checker!

Look people,
Maybe you should stop cross posting this discussion to .
I mean, this started out as a discussion about penis size which is all
fine and well but you have taken this and turned it into an etymology
discussion. Really, if you want to have this discussion, go to a bulletin
board where the readers actually give a rat's ass what you are talking
about. Because on THIS board population of the world and its distribution
are a moot point. Why not set up a board called life. south- east
asians at american schools? DEAL WITH IT!!

densetsu no super saiyajin!

Nov 4, 1994, 4:30:39 PM11/4/94
In article <39b67v$> (Paul Thomas) writes:

>Just wanted to followup, to understand what you mean by a 'big enough
>engine'? Does that imply that a 300 lb dude with a 4incher has the
>problem 'licked'?

I'd hate to paint a really nasty picture, but a 300lb man's 4" penis won't
even protrude from his fat folds...


Wei Wang

Nov 4, 1994, 11:19:48 PM11/4/94

Not necessarily. Shaq weighs 300 lbs but isn't really too fat.
Wei Wang
My opinions are my own, and not those of my employers.

Joan Shields

Nov 6, 1994, 3:08:56 PM11/6/94

Like they say, "It ain't the meat it's the motion," a little crude I guess
but effective :).

As I've said before (and will probably have to say again - if for no other
reason than to boost a few egos), as a woman who has "known" a man of
european descent and a man of asian descent (Chinese if you want to get
even more specific) - there really ain't that much difference EXCEPT in
the use of the appendage in question. For those even more curious, yes,
the asian fellow was very satisfying - as was the european fellow.

As an aside, for those still hung up on how "well" they're hung: the best
lovers I have ever had have been fellows of average size and average
looks. I find that they tend to be much more attentive to me and much
more interested in having sex rather than just posing. IF you STILL feel
inadequate because of size, concentrate on imagination and on added things
you can do - your partner will appreciate the effort :). For instance,
hands, if they have good cordination and are nimble, can be a lot of fun.


Efren A Bose

Nov 16, 1994, 12:49:31 PM11/16/94
Plenty Mad ( wrote:
: In article <39jd4o$>, (Joan
: Shields) wrote:

: If a man gets a penis enlargement, a wack concept if you me, it's for
: other men, not women. To anyone still "hung" up about this tired issue,
: take Ms. Shields suggestion to heart.

I think that is true unfortunately...queer men's magazines are dominated
with ads for penis enlargement...then again it seems that the queer
community is oftentimes VERY hung up (pardon the expression) on
physical attributes, like having the perfect body (with tons of ads
for physical trainers and machines to promote exercise) and having
penis enlargement ads and stuff like that...

One interesting thing that I notice however is that the queer women's
magazines really don't have that much in the way of ads promoting
breast implants, etc., etc.
: Peace!

: --Sung H. Kim

Just wanted to throw in my $0.02...


Efren A. Bose "Bakla ako, may angal ka?" 'I'm queer, any objections?' Hate is not a FAMILY value.

University of California at Riverside
Asian American Studies and Chemistry major


=) ;) =( =P X-P =O) =* ^_^ ^_^ *= (O= X-P =P )= (; (=

Eddie Cheng

Nov 16, 1994, 1:07:17 PM11/16/94
In article <3adgnb$>,

Efren A Bose <> wrote:
>I think that is true unfortunately...queer men's magazines are dominated
>with ads for penis enlargement...then again it seems that the queer
>community is oftentimes VERY hung up (pardon the expression) on
>physical attributes, like having the perfect body (with tons of ads
>for physical trainers and machines to promote exercise) and having
>penis enlargement ads and stuff like that...

Before I moved to the Bay Area, I was used to see the newspaper
sports page dominated by ads for automobile tires. Now I am getting
used to the SF paper sports page being dominated by ads for penis
enlargement. Thanks for having me understand why. :) It is, after
all, the capital of the queer community.

Like they say, it is just a sport. :)

>One interesting thing that I notice however is that the queer women's
>magazines really don't have that much in the way of ads promoting
>breast implants, etc., etc.

Oh, we all know that only guys like big breasts. :)


Jim Davis

Nov 16, 1994, 2:07:53 PM11/16/94
In article <3adhol$>, (Eddie Cheng) writes:
|> In article <3adgnb$>,
|> Efren A Bose <> wrote:
|> >
|> >I think that is true unfortunately...queer men's magazines are dominated
|> >with ads for penis enlargement...then again it seems that the queer
|> >community is oftentimes VERY hung up (pardon the expression) on
|> >physical attributes, like having the perfect body (with tons of ads
|> >for physical trainers and machines to promote exercise) and having
|> >penis enlargement ads and stuff like that...
|> Before I moved to the Bay Area, I was used to see the newspaper
|> sports page dominated by ads for automobile tires. Now I am getting
|> used to the SF paper sports page being dominated by ads for penis
|> enlargement. Thanks for having me understand why. :) It is, after
|> all, the capital of the queer community.

And that is why you moved to the Bay Area I assume?

Eddie Cheng

Nov 16, 1994, 2:26:23 PM11/16/94
In article <>,
Jim Davis <jda...@ssf-sys.DHL.COM> wrote:
:In article <3adhol$>, (Eddie Cheng) writes:
:|> In article <3adgnb$>,

:|> Efren A Bose <> wrote:
:|> >
:|> >I think that is true unfortunately...queer men's magazines are dominated
:|> >with ads for penis enlargement...then again it seems that the queer
:|> >community is oftentimes VERY hung up (pardon the expression) on
:|> >physical attributes, like having the perfect body (with tons of ads
:|> >for physical trainers and machines to promote exercise) and having
:|> >penis enlargement ads and stuff like that...
:|> Before I moved to the Bay Area, I was used to see the newspaper
:|> sports page dominated by ads for automobile tires. Now I am getting
:|> used to the SF paper sports page being dominated by ads for penis
:|> enlargement. Thanks for having me understand why. :) It is, after
:|> all, the capital of the queer community.
:And that is why you moved to the Bay Area I assume?

Hmm, time to reread my Freudian books. :)


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