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Gay Bowel Syndrome and other Consequences of Anal Eroticism

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Aug 11, 2015, 12:16:06 AM8/11/15

Gay bowel syndrome
Gay bowel syndrome refers to some combination of intestinal or
anorectal infection/trauma among male homosexuals. Homosexuals
do not like this phrase, and note that gay bowel syndrome “is
neither gay-specific, confined to the bowel, nor a syndrome.”(1)

However, this phrase was coined by some physicians in response
to a “clinical pattern of anorectal and colon diseases
encountered with unusual frequency” in homosexual men in New
York City in 1976.(2, 3; see also: 4, 5) These authors noted
that in a sample of 260 homosexual men, “The clinical diagnoses
in decreasing order of frequency include condyloma acuminata,
hemorrhoids, nonspecific proctitis, anal fistula, perirectal
abscess, anal fissure, amebiasis, benign polyps, viral
hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, anorectal trauma and foreign
bodies, shigellosis, rectal ulcers and lymphogranuloma

Some details of anorectal problems among male homosexuals
The internal anal sphincter (an involuntary muscle) does not
look favorably upon foreign objects attempting to enter the
rectum. This muscle relaxes during defecation, but remains in a
contracted state otherwise, which seals the anal opening.

For a period following receptive anal sex, the internal anal
sphincter is stretched and is unable to contract strongly,
thereby failing to completely seal the anal opening until the
muscle regains its original tone. Repetitive anal sex,
especially with large penises or rectal insertions of large
objects may damage the internal anal sphincter, thereby
preventing complete sealing of the anus, and leading to fecal
mucus seepage (anal or fecal incontinence). Additionally, anal
sex exacerbates fecal seepage by stimulating colonic motility,
which sends feces from the colon down into the lower rectum.(6)

The soiling of clothes from fecal seepage is a problem for many
homosexuals. Goldstone mentioned a study where 25% of
homosexuals that practiced anoreceptive intercourse and 50% of
AIDS-afflicted homosexuals had anal incontinence compared to a
3% rate among heterosexual men.(6) Miles et al. compared 40 male
homosexuals (all practiced anoreceptive sex) with 18 male
heterosexuals.(7) Only one heterosexual but 14 (35%) homosexuals
had frequent anal incontinence.(7)

To avoid soiling of clothes, homosexuals with mild problems are
advised to use a menstrual-type pad in the back of their
underwear to absorb moisture and waste.(6) Homosexuals with big
buttocks require a fluffed-up cotton ball placed against the
anal opening, together with a pad to help absorb moisture
throughout the day.(6) Medical advice for homosexuals with
persistent soiling includes rectal wash-outs to remove residual
feces from the anal canal after bowel movements.(6) This
involves inserting an ear syringe into the rectum that is filled
with warm water and coated with a water-soluble lubricant.
Squeezing the syringe gently and repeatedly helps wash out any
residual feces from the anal canal.

Frequent, especially prolonged anal sex often leaves tiny tears
(anal fissures) around the anal opening. This prompts the
internal anal sphincter to contract strongly, and makes it
difficult for homosexuals to engage in receptive anal sex. To
deal with anal fissures, homosexuals use butt plugs, which also
effectively seal the anus. Some butt plugs are shaped like a
penis,(8) others are rippled,(9) and some may have a multi-speed
vibrating function.(10) Some butt plugs can approach 5 inches in
diameter, and if this is not enough, then a vibrating butt plug
which can be inflated to 10 inches across at its thickest is
also available.(11) Some vibrating butt plugs also come with a
remote control for homosexuals on the move,(11) and may feature
a squirting capability too. Apparently, some homosexuals decide
to simultaneously derive pleasure and function.

Butt plugs are not primarily intended for anal pleasure, but
dildos, vibrators, and anal probes are. The proper tool for
accommodating a penis after surgery for hemorrhoids is an anal
dilator.(6) Some cases of anal incontinence are so severe, that
people lose the ability to sense stool in their rectum and
cannot prevent it from escaping. This calls for major lifestyle
changes such as wearing diapers or in the extreme, going for a
colostomy (a surgical procedure which results in bowel movements
emptying in a pouch carried on the abdomen).(6)

The life of a number of homosexuals centers on the anus. Male
homosexuals that behave more like girls as children have a
marked preference for receptive anal intercourse,(12-14) and a
less marked but significant preference for oral-anal sex
(rimming).(13) In sex research involving homosexual men, the
correct genitoerotic role distinction is not insertive vs.
receptive behaviors, or even insertive vs. receptive anal
intercourse, but receptive anal intercourse vs. all other
behaviors.(13) The anus is so etched onto the minds of
homosexuals that even mental illness does not prevent them from
focusing on it. For instance, Ikeda et al. described the death
of a 75-year-old man following the rectal insertion of a walking
stick by a mentally ill homosexual.(15) As a result of repeated
anorectal trauma and infections, the perianal region of several
male homosexuals acquires a grotesque appearance,(16) yet few
homosexuals desirous of insertive anal sex would be discouraged
by the sight of such anuses.

Let us address the consequences of rimming. In third-world
countries, the drinking water supply often gets contaminated
with feces, resulting in a disease outbreak. Homosexuals,
however, get feces directly from the source via rimming. Not
surprisingly, the worms and microbes that occupy their digestive
tracts span a good range of parasite diversity: Neisseria
gonorrhea, herpes simplex virus, Chlamydia trachomatis,
Treponema pallidum, Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter fetus
fetus, Shigella flexneri, Entamoeba histolytica, Clostridium
difficile, Giardia lamblia, and many others, including worms.(17-
21) Consider some studies in this regard:

Among 180 patients consecutively seen at a venereal-disease
clinic, 29 MSM (21.5% of homosexual clients and 6.2% of bisexual
clients) but no women or heterosexual men had parasitic
intestinal infections.(19) Interestingly, 17% of the
heterosexuals in this sample had practiced rimming, yet were
free of intestinal parasites.(19) Comparatively, 37% of the
bisexuals and 75% of the homosexuals had practiced rimming.
Therefore, the elevated incidence of intestinal parasites among
homosexuals is not solely due to rimming, but is also a result
of the fact that MSM function as a reservoir of intestinal
parasites.(19, 22)
In a controlled study, 67.5% of 200 homosexual men and 16% of
100 heterosexual men had parasitic intestinal infections.(22)
27% of homosexual men and 1% of heterosexual men had E.
histolytica, and 13% of homosexual men and 3% of heterosexual
men had Giardia lamblia.(22) “The presence of symptoms could not
be correlated with infection except when the infection was
caused by more than one organism, including G. lamblia.”(22)

In an analysis of three fecal samples from 153 homosexual men
and 119 patients with abdominal symptoms, 59.5% of the
homosexuals had their intestines infected by a total of 198
protozoan species, whereas 31.9% of the patients had their
intestines infected by a total of 51 protozoan species.(23)

In one study, 95 of 119 consecutively seen homosexual men with
anorectal/intestinal symptoms and 29 (39%) of 75 randomly
selected male homosexuals without gastrointestinal or anorectal
symptoms were infected by pathogenic intestinal parasites.(17)

In another study of 101 male homosexuals without
gastrointestinal symptoms, 27% had Entamoeba histolytica, 61%
had nonpathogenic protozoa with or without E. histolytica, 36%
had a nonpathogen alone, and 3% had Giardia lamblia.(18)
In an examination of 243 homosexual men without any
gastrointestinal symptoms, about 12% were infected with at least
one pathogenic intestinal parasite.(24)

Clearly, many homosexuals are ignorant of their intestinal
infection status. Furthermore, abnormal rectal tissue structure
is not uncommon among male homosexuals. In a study of rectal
biopsy samples from homosexual men, 89 of whom had intestinal
symptoms while 11 did not, 46% of the specimens from the
symptomatic men and 27% from the asymptomatic men were abnormal;
acute inflammation characterized 51% of the men with pathogens
and 24% of those free of pathogens.(25)

In April, 2001, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) documented the first known sexually transmitted
outbreak of typhoid fever in the United States. It occurred in
summer, 2000.(26, 27) If it is a first, like AIDS, it should not
come as a surprise that the outbreak was documented among male
homosexuals. A homosexual man spread typhoid to 7 others
residing in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. The men were
uncooperative with health officials, making it impossible to
estimate how many other men might have been exposed.(26, 27)
Typhoid is rare; about 400 cases are reported annually in the
U.S., 80% of which can be traced to overseas travel.(26, 27)
Typhoid transmission typically occurs via consumption of food
and water contaminated with human feces. None of the infected
homosexuals had shared either food or drink.(26, 27) The mode of
transmission needs no comment.

In a nutshell, “Four general groups of conditions may be
encountered in homosexually active men: classical sexually
transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, infections with Chlamydia
trachomatis, syphilis, herpes simplex infections, genital warts,
pubic lice, scabies); enteric diseases (infections with Shigella
species, Campylobacter jejuni, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia
lamblia, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis non-A, non-B, and
cytomegalovirus); trauma (fecal incontinence, hemorrhoids, anal
fissure, foreign bodies, rectosigmoid tears, allergic proctitis,
penile edema, chemical sinusitis, inhaled nitrite burns, and
sexual assault of the male patient); and the acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).”(28)
See the picture below for one consequence of anal eroticism

Fig 6. Amebic procteocolitis [infected intestines]; note the
whitish-green ulcers that are not unusual in the large bowel of
homosexual men.(29)
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