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Anal sex lead to rectal prolapse ? (Page 1)

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Aug 11, 2015, 1:10:03 AM8/11/15
June 5th, 2009
I'm a gay man and I want to start engaging in anal intercourses.
However, reading various articles and opinions on the web while
trying to learn as much as I can about anal sex before doing
anything, there seem to be a theory that anal sex may almost
inevitably lead to rectal prolapse and other serious
complications in older age. My question is if this is true and
have actual medical base? If consistient (let's say once a week)
but gentle and non-agressive anal penetrations throuought the
years (decades) may really have such consequences in the end?
I'm hoping for the most objective and genuine response possible.
Thank you for your time and sorry for my english.
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replied June 11th, 2009
I'm gay also actually and I myself have worried a whole lot
about this. I have read a few health articles on it and it seems
like they all agree with it. Wish I could give you an answer. To
me though, it rather makes sense that something like this would
happen. It was designated for exit only. -sorry for a non
answerable response. I hate seeing unanswered questions and
noticed your topic which was something I worried about myself.
Hope someone is capable of answering this. Smile
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replied June 11th, 2009
Community Volunteer
Many men end up in diapers and may I add women too....I know of
two women that have paid such a terrible price for this invasion
of their body...One was abused to the point where her colon was
perforated all the way through to her vagina wall...Once the
muscles are shot, they are shot...An anus is not like a
vagina...The vagina is created to open up for sexual
pleasure...The anus is made to hold back the refuse of our
body...It only makes sense that once that door has opened too
many times, and been abused that the piper must be paid...These
are just my thoughts on this and I will be argued with until the
cows come home...Yet in my mind I know that 2 and 2 does not
make 5....They only add up to 4 no matter how you look at
it....They can have stories of this being done for years...To
this I say so what...What was the life expectancy then and what
happened to their bodies?...


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