Next meetup July 21

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Greg Frost

Jul 7, 2019, 5:44:16 PM7/7/19
to Seattle IF
The next IF meetup will take place on Sunday, July 21 from 2-4 PM in Thompson Hall at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma. The room we have been meeting in previously is being used for a summer class, so we're working on reserving a different room and will have an update when it has been confirmed.

For this meeting we thought it would be fun to have brief demonstrations* and discussions of some works in progress. Anything from story pitch all the way up to beta testing is acceptable. This is more of a show and tell than a formal critique, but you are welcome to request specific feedback on anything you'd like. If you would like to show your project, please let us know in advance so that we can make sure there is enough time for everyone. If there are too many requests to fit into one meeting, anyone who isn't able to present on the 21st will get time at the next meetup.

*Note that Mike has confirmed that showing a work in progress to a small group of people does not affect eligibility for IFComp.

If you are going to bring a project to show, I highly recommend bringing your own computer and a backup, either as a private web site or on a Windows-compatible USB stick with any necessary software to run the project. We don't want technical problems to derail your demo. Mike should be able to share details about the projector inputs available in the new room.

Also, since there has been some discussion at previous meetings about alternating between the Seattle and Tacoma areas, feel free to submit suggestions for the date and location of the next meetup (September?). Ideally it would be someplace open on a weekend, with free or inexpensive access and a projector.

Hope to see you there!

Gene Michael Stover

Jul 7, 2019, 9:06:00 PM7/7/19
Hi Greg.  Thanks for the invitation.  I shall be there.

I've been working on a text adventure written from scratch.  I'd like to demo it.  There's no urgency, though, so if someone has to get bumped to be sure everyone has time, I can be the bumped person.

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Gene Stover (

Greg Frost

Jul 9, 2019, 11:56:20 PM7/9/19
to Seattle IF
Gene, we'd be glad to see your demo. Don't worry, there is still space in the schedule.

Dax Kerchner

Jul 21, 2019, 7:49:12 PM7/21/19
Was there ever an update on which room?

On Tue, Jul 9, 2019, 8:56 PM Greg Frost <> wrote:
Gene, we'd be glad to see your demo. Don't worry, there is still space in the schedule.

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Greg Frost

Jul 21, 2019, 11:54:00 PM7/21/19
to Seattle IF
Sorry, yes, Room 399.

Greg Frost

Sep 14, 2020, 12:48:18 AM9/14/20
to Seattle IF
Here are my notes from the July 2019 meetup:

Attendees: Dax, Gene, Greg, Lance, Mike, S. Paxton
Location: University of Puget Sound, Thompson Hall 399

Program (2 PM - 4:30 PM)
Gene demonstrated a prototype of his LISP-based text adventure creation system, Dungeon 0.
I showed a pre-alpha demo of my game Ikiryou.
 -Discussed ways to make one-to-many room relations in Inform 7 without cheating directions.
 -Discussed problems with using special characters for interpreters and screen readers.
Discussed setting up a new meetup / group in Florida, lessons learned from restarting the Seattle group.
S. Paxton talked about the Seattle Indies meetup group.
Adjourned at 4:30 PM.
On Sunday, July 21, 2019 at 8:54:00 PM UTC-7 Greg Frost wrote:
Sorry, yes, Room 399.
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