Gas Furnace Pricing

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Mike O'Brien

Feb 27, 2023, 5:06:27 PM2/27/23
to Seattle Home Electrification
Hi Folks - 

A partner and I have just started an HVAC company - EcoSpark Heating and Cooling - that will focus exclusively on replacing gas furnaces with heat pumps.  We have done our first install and are in the middle of our second.  So far so good!  I will share more once we are out of the steep learning curve phase.  In the meantime, I am wondering if any of you have received or seen a recent price on replacing a gas furnace?  I am hoping to get educated on what the current market reality for high efficient gas furnaces in Seattle is for comparison sake.  Thanks for any intel.


Mike O'Brien

If you are needing to prioritize other things, including self-care, please do not feel obligated to respond immediately.

Brian Gix

Mar 6, 2023, 6:59:49 PM3/6/23
to Mike O'Brien, Seattle Home Electrification
Do you have a list of rebates and tax credits for switching to heat pumps?

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