How to use Seashore to add text to a photo?

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Aug 21, 2008, 10:21:24 PM8/21/08
to Seashore Developers

I can be a good test case for usability for Seashore.

Background: I have done sophisticated graphic design working in tandem
with an expert computer person for ways & means. That person is not
available to me for 60 days.

I am travelling and using a loaner MAC iBook with iPhoto.

I want to prototype a design for an important client and I need to be
able to add a line
of text to a number of photos and position it exactly where I want it,
across the bottom of each image when it appears full size on a
computer screen.

I need for the text to be in a particular font & size, several common
fonts will do.

I went to a forum on to assess iPhoto capabilities and
found Seashore.

Now I need your help >>>

I downloaded Seashore and attempted to drag it into Applications.

It went into iPhoto, where it displayed a number of graphic icons,
along with a box that told me it was "187 unreadable files." Where to

Seashore HELP was not included, so I went back & downloaded the PDF
and read the Table of Contents.

I do not see anything about text in HELP, although that is the
function for which Seashore was recommended in the forum.

I am stuck. I do not have any time to futz around with bafflement. I
have a stringent deadline. Unless you can provide me with some cues I
will forget about Seashore and hire a local graphics person to produce
what I envision by the means of their choice.

It is Thursday, August 21, 2008 and 8:20pm Mountain Time USA.

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