Is development still continuing?

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Dane Elshof

Mar 5, 2009, 7:08:19 PM3/5/09
to Seashore Developers
Hey guys,

Looks like things have slowed down on Seashore. I have some
interesting ideas for Seashore and desire for a good, native open
source raster editor for OS X. I'm going through the code right now
and trying to wrap my head around things.

Any active development happening?

Mar 12, 2009, 5:13:52 PM3/12/09
to Seashore Developers
Development hasn't completely stopped... if you go to sourceforge and
look at the svn repository there have been changes since the last
revision. Mark is the one in charge of development, so I'm not sure
what exactly his plans for the next release are.


Dane Elshof

Mar 12, 2009, 5:44:12 PM3/12/09

I was thinking that there should be some changes to the UI so that
things align better with either GIMP or Photoshop (the commands, for
instance, seem to kind of borrow from both). I'd also like to see
marching ants for selections.

Also, as an exercise in learning Cocoa, I'm trying to create an
Inspector NSPanel like iWork that once I figure it out, I'll get a
test of it going with Seashore.

Finally, I think Seashore should support GIMP style text layers and
have a mechanism for turning off the subpixel rendering.

If this gets submitted to GSoC, I could be a student for it :)

Dane Elshof
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