CfP. DX 2024

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Roman Bartak

Jul 3, 2024, 8:34:55 AM (3 days ago) Jul 3
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Call for Papers

35th International Conference on Principles of Diagnosis and Resilient Systems (DX'24)

Vienna, Austria

Submission deadline:      September 5th, 2024
Acceptance notification:  September 23rd, 2024
Registration deadline:    September 30th, 2024
Camera-ready copies due:  October 4th, 2024
Conference:               November 4th-7th, 2024

For questions about DX'24, please contact the organizers via email:

Further information regarding the submission process, registration, and the venue is available from the website:


The 35th International Conference on Principles of Diagnosis and Resilient Systems (DX'24) will take place in Vienna, Austria, from November 4th to 7th, 2024. Formerly known as the International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis, the DX conference is a forum to present and discuss the latest research, experience reports, and emerging ideas in the context of diagnosis and resilient systems. We value submissions considering any system, from physical to computational, with abstract to detailed representations. In previous iterations of the DX workshop, the focus was on diagnosis, i.e., identifying root causes for encountered issues and unexpected scenarios, and related techniques, such as prognostics, planning, and control. Moving forward, we would like to expand our focus on diagnosis to the topic of resilience, which is the intrinsic ability of a system to sustain its required operations when impacted by expected and unexpected contingencies. We are interested in papers that cover r
 esilient design and operational resilience approaches.

The DX conference program committee welcomes submissions on any diagnosis- or resilient system-related topic, including:

- Formal theories and computation methods for diagnosis and resilient systems, including monitoring, fault detection and isolation, testing, decision making, repair and therapy, (re-)planning, (re-)configuration, fault tolerance, diagnosability analysis, and system design.

- Models for diagnosis and resilient systems, including discrete, discrete-event, qualitative, continuous, hybrid, probabilistic, behavioral, and functional models, as well as models resulting from approximation, abstraction, refinement, and reformulation approaches. Modeling approaches that scale to large systems are of specific interest.

- Diagnosis algorithms and processes, including strategies for measurement selection, active diagnosis/testing, sensor placement, embedded diagnosis, preventive diagnosis, fault adaptive control, distributed diagnosis, as well as human interaction with the diagnosis engine and other usability issues.

- Technology supporting the design and operation of resilient systems, including strategies for making decisions, mission (re-)planning, system (re-)configuration, repair processes, active and passive knowledge acquisition, aggregating diagnostic information over time and space, exploiting diagnosis results over a system's entire lifetime (from development to decommissioning), exploiting diagnostic information for system design evolution, as well as the local and global exploitation of diagnosis results (local in time, space or a system-of-systems context)

- Solutions to and formulations of computational issues faced during diagnosis and in resilient systems, e.g., addressing combinatorial (and state) explosion, the exploitation of structural and hierarchical knowledge, focusing strategies and heuristics, resource-bounded reasoning, requirements and restrictions related to real-time environments, and pre-compilation/pre-processing techniques.

- Learning-based systems to support monitoring, fault diagnosis, resilient design, and operational resilience.

- Connections and the interplay between data-driven and/or analytic AI-based diagnosis methods and methods from related areas or tasks like FDI, control theory, statistics, machine and deep learning, knowledge representation, concept extraction, planning, optimization, autonomous systems, safety, verification, software engineering, debugging, as well as hardware instrumentation and testing.

- (Real-world) applications of diagnosis and system resilience, including scenarios in space, transportation, aeronautics, robotics, manufacturing, process engineering, energy, networks and services, ethics, economy, biotechnology, medical domains, and social/societal contexts. Case studies concerning a successful or failed technology transfer to a specific application are especially welcome.

All PhD students working on a relevant topic are encouraged to submit a description of their research to be considered for a special session focusing on mentoring PhD research. Depending on the number of submissions, this session will be organized as a panel or poster session. Accepted entries will be included in our archival proceedings in a dedicated section.

Regular submissions are limited to 20 pages (including references and appendices) in the Dagstuhl Open Access Series in Informatics format, as referenced on the conference website. PhD session submissions must be no longer than 16 pages. Authors must submit their papers and PhD session entries electronically via EasyChair as PDF files. The submissions will be peer-reviewed (single-blind; authors can add their names), and accepted papers will be scheduled for either an oral or a poster presentation (a panel and/or poster presentation for accepted PhD session submissions).

This year, we will have a special submission option where people with a recent (2023-2024) relevant journal or major conference (A or A*) paper, e.g., AAAI, IJCAI, ECAI, ISSRE, ICSE, KR,... can hand in their paper and present it in a special session after acceptance for additional exposure. We will add those submissions to the front matter of the proceedings. All such submissions must have the prefix 'Summary of' followed by the original title of the publication as title and must explicitly include full bibliographic details (including a DOI) of the original publication. These submissions will not be reviewed in detail. Still, they will be judged and selected by the conference chairs based on the mentioned regular criteria and how well they would complement the conference's technical program.

By submitting a paper, all authors agree that for each accepted paper, at least one of the authors will register for the conference and attend in person. For PhD session entries, the PhD candidates must attend the conference and present their submissions. Please note that a registration accounts for one accepted paper. Exceptions require the consent of the organizers, and for each additional paper, an additional fee will be applied.

The program committee reserves the right to reject without review submissions that exceed page limits, violate the guidelines on the conference website, or are submitted in formats other than PDF. All submissions must be made through the conference EasyChair site. Resubmissions accepted at venues without archival proceedings (workshops, ArXiv, ...) are welcome when following the specific instructions provided in the submission guidelines.

DX Chairs:

Franz Wotawa, TU Graz, Austria
Ingo Pill, TU Graz, Austria
Avraham Natan, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
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