Seattle's first Riak Meetup, Intro to Riak (w/ some js bits) & Basho Coworking Office Hours

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Adron Hall

Mar 5, 2013, 1:14:55 PM3/5/13
Hello All,

Hello coders. Two meetups coming up based around distributed systems next week. I'm intending to discuss how to connect to Riak with JavaScript & some related patterns and such around using truly distributed data. The two meetups are broken out like this, one in the evening and the other during office hours, so let the boss know it's "work related" and head over.  ;)

Intro to Riak is the first Riak Meetup in Seattle around distributed systems, big/phat/wide/wonky data, large scale systems, object storage and all those related things.

Basho Coworking Office Hours is an open hack that Basho puts on, I'll be there (@Adron) as well as others from Basho (@jtuple & @timothyikennedy are likely to be there also) that can answer your questions about Riak, distributed systems and related matters. Feel free to drop in, there's no official topics, mostly just questions & answers, discussion of current projects (yours, ours, or whoevers) and generally some coffee drinking & such.


Adron Hall

Mar 5, 2013, 1:21:24 PM3/5/13
Just noticed I goofed the links:

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