In May, Node PDX is hitting the ground for coders, hardware hackers & more...

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Adron Hall

Mar 26, 2013, 12:42:57 PM3/26/13
Hello All,

Node PDX is coming up in May in Portland (obviously right?). The CFP is open now and also pre-registration (which we'll send out early ticket notification to anyone that pre-registers - also note it is NOT a marketing email list, it's only for this conference).

In addition to signing up and coming to the conference, we've got the CFP open right now! So get your proposals in now. We're aiming for beginner and advanced talks, hardware, distributed and software talks all. If you want to know more feel free to ping me @adron (twitter) or Troy Howard @thoward37 (twitter). Here's a few more quick basics on what Node PDX is...

Who is Node PDX for? Who should attend?
Node PDX is a conference that is for coder programmer ladies and gentlemen of all experience levels, interested in the software side of things or hardware hacking.

What exactly is Node PDX? 
Node PDX is a Node.js & JavaScript Conference held yearly in Portland, Oregon as of 2012! 

Where is Node PDX?
Portland, Oregon. Here’s a documentary starter to get prepared for Portland!

When is Node PDX? 
Node PDX 2013 will be held on May 16th & 17th.

For more, check it out @nodepdx and We'll have more speaker announcements, write ups and information available on the blog & pre-registration is available on the Node PDX site.

Alex Donn

Mar 26, 2013, 2:30:53 PM3/26/13

can I setup a hackathon for you guys in conjunction with NodePDX?? :D


Alex Donn || 650.265.7337

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Adron Hall

Mar 26, 2013, 4:42:23 PM3/26/13
Alex - Hey will follow up with you. There's some possibilities.

Adron B Hall
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