ICSE 2010 workshop ...!?

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Steve Easterbrook

Sep 15, 2009, 6:09:22 PM9/15/09
to Software Engineering for the Planet
While I was off sick for most of the last two weeks, the deadline for
ICSE workshops crept up on us. Here's the link:
The deadline for the workshop proposal is Sept 17 (in 2 days!)
To expedite this, I plan to recycle most of the proposal we used for
the ONWARD workshop (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/wsrcc/)

Key decisions I need input on:

1) paper submissions - I'd like to keep it open and informal, by not
having a published proceedings, and invite one-page position papers to
be circulated in advance online. Any thoughts?

2) workshop organising committee - I think the bigger the better, so
I'll start with the committee we have for the Onward workshop (see
http://www.cs.toronto.edu/wsrcc/Organisers.html), and add anyone else
who wants to be added. Let me know!

Any other suggestions welcome

Jorge Aranda

Sep 16, 2009, 3:46:28 PM9/16/09
to se-for-t...@googlegroups.com
Steve Easterbrook wrote:
> Key decisions I need input on:
> 1) paper submissions - I'd like to keep it open and informal, by not
> having a published proceedings, and invite one-page position papers to
> be circulated in advance online. Any thoughts?

I like this.

I've been thinking about how to make this a successful workshop.
Probably because I don't think I've often been in a workshop that fully
meets my expectations:
* Some of them are too focused on presentations
* Some others want to foster participation, but the strategies used
rarely work as they should. Poster madness sessions are rushed; breakout
sessions are hit-and-miss and those that turn out to be fine often have
their findings diluted when it's time to report back to the larger group.

So, an idea:
Structure the workshop around the position papers. Each paper gets, say,
30 minutes, *but* divided so that you have, for instance, 5-8 min for
presentation and the rest for discussion. The idea being that you
present a problem you've been struggling with, and elicit
solutions/strategies/approaches to deal with it from the audience.

You may have had this kind of workshop before, so you probably know why
it won't work. I don't think I've gone through one like this yet.

Anyway, let me know if you need help with the workshop submission.


Barrie Thompson

Sep 20, 2009, 8:07:15 AM9/20/09
to se-for-t...@googlegroups.com

sorry for silance - lots of family problems of late

Agree with one-page position papers to be circulated in advance


J Barrie Thompson
Professor in Applied Software Engineering
UK National Teaching Fellow
Chair IFIP Working Group 3.4
(Professional and Vocational Education and Training)
University of Sunderland
St Peter's Campus Sunderland, SR6 0DD
tel: +44 (0)191 515 2769, Fax: +44 (0)191 515 2781,
e-mail: barrie....@sunderland.ac.uk

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Easterbrook <s...@cs.toronto.edu>
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 11:09 pm
Subject: ICSE 2010 workshop ...!?

> Folks,
> While I was off sick for most of the last two weeks, the deadline for
> ICSE workshops crept up on us. Here's the link:
> http://www.sbs.co.za/ICSE2010/3-EVENTS/ICSE2010_WORKSHOPS.html
> The deadline for the workshop proposal is Sept 17 (in 2 days!)
> To expedite this, I plan to recycle most of the proposal we used for
> the ONWARD workshop (http://www.cs.toronto.edu/wsrcc/)
> Key decisions I need input on:
> 1) paper submissions - I'd like to keep it open and informal, by not
> having a published proceedings, and invite one-page position
> papers to
> be circulated in advance online. Any thoughts?
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