An Information Strategy for Environmental Sustainability - CACM - July 2012

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Upward, Antony (YorkU)

Jul 24, 2012, 11:42:27 AM7/24/12
to Steve Easterbrook,, Henry Kim
FYI... attached from the July 2012 Communications of the ACM -
This appears to be headed in the direction that SE-for-the-Planet was considering... although it includes a number of neo-classical assumptions implicitly rather than explicitly - which makes me wonder if the authors considered well known ecological economic alternatives.
Summarizing the article suggests:
ACM members, both collectively and individually, must apply their computing knowledge to contribute to the creation and implementation of an information strategy for a sustainable society.
It also includes five suggested imperatives for the profession:
  1. Create information systems and networks that provide the capacity to incorporate significant environmental costs into prices.
  2. Design corporate sustainability reporting systems that achieve the goal of a more sustainable society.
  3. Implement efficient approaches for collecting and persuasive means of presenting product sustainability information to promote green purchasing decisions.
  4. Develop information systems that provide individuals with accurate, meaningful, and actionable information about the environmental impact of personal decisions.
  5. Develop professional standards for data processing and storage that minimize their environmental consequences, while simultaneously helping to create a sustainable society.
Antony Upward
Masters -> PhD Environmental Studies with
Graduate Diploma Business and the Environment
Faculty of Environmental Studies & Schulich School of Business, York University
Sustainability Business Architect
Edward James Consulting Ltd.
Part-Time Faculty Member, Ted Rogers School of Management,
School of Information Technology Management, Ryerson University
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