“Decarbonizing our Economy”
Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place, Morgantown, WV - August 8-11th, 2022
May 25, 2022: Biochar 2022 will be held in Morgantown, West Virginia, with proximity to Pittsburgh, PA, Washington DC, and Baltimore, MD. The North American Biochar & Bioenergy Conference is the largest event in North America dedicated to “Decarbonizing our Economy.” The 2022 North American Biochar & Bioenergy conference will focus on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner, and policy gaps in biomass utilization for biochar and bioenergy production. The meeting will draw attention to biochar and bioenergy science, technology, and sustainability issues at local-to-global scales.
The US Biochar Initiative (USBI) promotes the sustainable production and use of biochar and has hosted the pre-eminent North American biochar conference since 2009. “Register to learn how biochar can help increase yields, climate resilience, access to capital, and income from carbon payments,” stated Tom Miles, Executive Director of US Biochar Initiative.
The West Virginia University (WVU) is the academic conference partner. WVU is leading the MASBio Program through funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Dr. Jingxing Wang, Director of Center for Sustainable Biomaterials & Bioenergy at West Virginia University, believes “that the ongoing R&D activities of the MASBio will be beneficial to the attendees and this conference would help further develop the regional bioeconomy.”
Abstract and Poster Submission are now being accepted—Visit www.biochar2022.com for submission guidelines and the submission form.
Detailed conference agenda with speakers will be announced soon. Attendees can expect to
● Carbon Markets & Circular Economies Session
● Bioenergy & Other Value-Added Bioproducts, Production & Commercialization Session
● Environmental Restoration & Remediation Session
● Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry
● Biochar Production & Commercialization Session
Pre-Conference Workshops & Post Conference Field Trips are available to conference and non-conference attendees.
Pre-conference Workshops will include:
● Biochar Industry Association/Standards & Certification
● Biomass and Biochar Stakeholder Focus and Engagement
● Life Cycle assessments for Biochar Facilities and Carbon Markets
Post-conference Field https://meetinghand.com/e/nbw/trips will include:
● Biomass projects and demo of the Charboss, mobile biochar production machine
Sponsorship & Exhibitor opportunities are available for up to 40 indoor vendors to showcase their services, products, and equipment. Exhibitor and sponsorship packages are available to fit the needs of the business community. With an anticipated attendance of 400 plus from North America and worldwide, we encourage the biochar industry to be visible in the Mid-Atlantic. Contact in...@biochar2022.com for information on sponsorships and exhibitor opportunities.
For more information, please contact us at in...@biochar2022.com For conference information, including registration, visit www.biochar2022.com
Tom Miles
Executive Director
U.S. Biochar Initiative
Facebook US Biochar Initiative
Youtube US Biochar Initiative
North American Biochar and Bioenergy Conference
“Decarbonizing our Economy”
Morgantown, WV Aug 8-10, 2022