[Announcement] SDRuby is Back!

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Rob Kaufman

Mar 22, 2021, 12:23:57 AM3/22/21
to sdr...@googlegroups.com
It has been too long. March 2020 was our last meeting. Our organizer team has spent the last year surviving, but we finally feel ready to pick up where we left off. 

SDRuby is finally in Slack. You can join here https://join.slack.com/t/sd-ruby/shared_invite/zt-n09nz3ja-_odKGlY_3cZZ6WWFPo8YFQ until the end of the month. After that expires, we'll post a new link. Once we seed the first set of people, we'll switch to an invite request model. 

We're meeting (virtually) on April 1st (this is not an April fools joke). We'll have a brief intro, a short talk and some guided chit-chat after. We've all done enough online meeting this last year to know we don't want to spend a lot of unstructured time staring at each other ;-)

If you want to be the one to give one of the first talks of 2021, please reach out to me (rob of notch8.com) or Sarah (sarah of learnacademy.org). 

I'm excited to see some of you again.

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