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Non-ASCII characters in .hy3 result files?

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Apr 6, 2016, 2:02:16 PM4/6/16
to SDIF Forum
I've got a results file which contains 8-bit character 0x96. This is a FINA DQ description, and this character corresponds to a 'dash' in the FINA DQ codes (10.2, "Swimmer did not cover the whole distance - DNF"). The rest of the file has lots of dashes in it (names and other DQ codes), and they're all coded in 7-bit ASCII as 0x2d, but all the DNF descriptions contain this character.

After some digging about it turns out that 0x96 is in the Windows-1252 code page, and is a "punctuation dash".

So, an 8-bit Windows-specific character has made it into a hy3 file, which is a problem, since no self-respecting database is going to be storing Windows character codes in it.

Has anyone else seen this? Possibly also in swimmer's names? I'm starting to wonder if I should sanitise any hy3 text strings before storing them.
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