General HY3 questions

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Eddie Rowe

Jul 8, 2013, 2:37:21 PM7/8/13
I've gone through a lot of the materials posted by others here and they have been invaluable.  I realized the following questions don't seem to be answered in what I've found - any help is appreciated.

Record type B2
The doc I read on here said 2 characters for "B2", 92 unknown/unused, then 2 characters for "Masters"  What is this record for?  What are the appropriate possible values?
Immediately following that are 2 characters for Meet Type. What are the appropriate possible values - specifically would "HS" for high school be accepted.

Record type C2
4 character code for team registration (appears to cover governing bodies, like USAS and BCSSA, etc.)  Would high schools in USA be considered "USS" or 'OTH' ?

Record Type D1
What's the difference between the Swimmer ID in cols 4-8 and the one in cols 74-78? 
Can I assume that USAS number is not required?

Record Type E1
What's the deal with the four seed times (2 converted, 2 regular)?  Which one(s) is/are required to be populated?  Why are the converted times 8 character and the others 7 character?
What's appropriate for age of an event when the meet is high school?  "Open/Senior?"

Record Type E2
There appears to be no Swimmer ID for this record.  Is one supposed to have access to the meet program in order to know in which swimmer swam this result?

Record Type F1/F3
How does one identify which swimmers are on which relay?  There's no relay designation in F3 ("A", "B", etc)

Mike Walsh

Jul 8, 2013, 4:56:43 PM7/8/13

I can answer a couple of these, some of the others I’d have to poke around a bit to answer definitively.


B2:  Not sure

C2:  For any team that resides in the United States, this value should be “US”.  Legal values are believed to be:  “AUST” for Australia, “BCSS” for Canada, “NZSF” for New Zealand, “OTH” for Other, “SSA” for South Africa, and UK for United Kingdom, and “USS” for USA Swimming.

D1:  I believe (which means I am not 100% positive) the first Swimmer ID is the database ID for the Swimmer in Meet Manager, the second Swimmer ID is the database ID for the swimmer in Team Manager.

E1:  I believe the converted time (which has a C appended to it for the 8th character when it is converted) allows seed times from meters pools to be used for yards pools and vice-versa.  If all of your seed times are for a 50 yard event but you’re entered in a 50 meter event, the time needs to be converted to meters or it will be artificially fast or slow depending on whether you’re going yards to meters or meters to yards.  I believe a High School Event would be an “Open” event as there aren’t age groups per se like you have with youth swim teams.

E2:  I believe an E2 record will follow a D1 record to identify the swimmer.

F1/F3:  The F3 record follows the F1 record.  I have seen instances where one F1 record has four (4) F3 records after it.


Hope this helps.



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Jul 8, 2013, 8:21:18 PM7/8/13
If you haven't already seen it you should take a look at the Standard Data Interchange Format reference document. Here's a link to a re-formatted version of it I did a few years back. Note: this is for the non-proprietary versions of the files (ev3, sd3 and cl2). I prefer using these as you don't need to try to guess what Hytek was up to when they reinvented things for themselves.

B2 - This is the Meet Host record and is used to identify the Host and the address of the meet. For a high school B2 record you'd use 9 immediately after B2. See the ORG Code table 001 at the back of the document linked above.

C2 - According to the Standard Data Interchange format the Team Code is... "Supplied from USS Headquarters files upon request. Concatenation of two-character LSC code and four-character Team code, in that order (e.g., Colorado's FAST would be
COFAST). The code for Unattached should always be UN, and not any other abbreviation. (Florida Gold's unattached would be FG UN.)"

D1 - I can't offer much help as Hytek's use is non-standard. The system I've written produces sd3 file for Meet Entries and uses a D0 record followed by a D3. The D1 is not required.

E1, E2, F1 & F3 Aren't used in the Standard Data Interchange format but other do the same thing.

I hope this helps.

William Arbaugh

Jul 8, 2013, 9:25:32 PM7/8/13

Here's some Python code I've been using for the last couple of years for our unsanctioned HS meet. It might answer some of your questions. The HS captains enter the swimmers into a google form, and then I take the CSV and use that to create a SD3. Ugly - but it has worked the last two years.

The code is not commented well and it isn't for general use without making changes. Hopefully, it will help you some what. I couldn't have written this code without the help from the members of this forum - so hopefully some of this gives back.


p.s. I've not put a copyright on this so you're free to do with it as you will.....just don't blame me! ;)

Eddie Rowe

Jul 9, 2013, 9:50:03 AM7/9/13
I had been under the impression that HyTek doesn't always read sd3 properly.  Is that not the case?

Mike Walsh

Jul 9, 2013, 10:04:39 AM7/9/13

Hy-tek will read a properly formatted SD3 file however what it won’t do is recognize and use all of the information.  For example, if you import a set of meet entries in SD3 format, Hy-tek (Meet Manager) will import all of the swimmers and their event assignments correctly however it will ignore the lane and heat information.


There are other aspects of SDIF that Hy-tek either ignores or uses improperly.  For example, in the events file, Hy-tek will use the individual stroke code and either I (for individual) or R (for relay) to determine if an event is a relay.  Instead of seeing an event code of 6 for a Freestyle Relay you will see an event code of 1 with an R in another field for a relay.


The SDIF specification is very useful for helping decode this stuff but it isn’t a replacement for trial and error with Hy-tek to see what it actually generates.  It is incredibly tedious set up various combinations and look at the resulting Hy-tek files but I haven’t found a more reliable way to do it.


From: [] On Behalf Of Eddie Rowe

Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 9:50 AM

Eddie Rowe

Jul 9, 2013, 11:16:54 AM7/9/13
In a high school meet with diving, what would one do for an sd3 file for the diving events?  Is this impossible?  Am I now committed to hy3?

Mike Walsh

Jul 9, 2013, 11:24:32 AM7/9/13

Unfortunately there is nothing in the SDIF specification for diving.    I have no idea if there is anything similar to SDIF for diving, I’ve never seen it nor ever had the need.


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