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Specs for SD3/CL2/HY3 files

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David Y

Mar 7, 2020, 12:19:37 PM3/7/20
to SDIF Forum

I am trying to write some code to process meet results so that I can track my kids swimming time so was wondering if someone know where I can find the specs for SD3/CL2/HY3 files.


Mike Walsh

Mar 7, 2020, 1:43:24 PM3/7/20
Look through the archives of this group and you will find some download links for PDF files.  The group is not high traffic and so there should not be a lot to look through.  It was several years ago though so you’ll need to go back a ways.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2020, at 12:19 PM, David Y <> wrote:


I am trying to write some code to process meet results so that I can track my kids swimming time so was wondering if someone know where I can find the specs for SD3/CL2/HY3 files.


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Eddie Rowe

Mar 7, 2020, 5:35:47 PM3/7/20
to SDIF Forum
Email me for a python script that reads hy3

Peter Thompson

Mar 7, 2020, 11:28:19 PM3/7/20
Hi Eddie

Please send me a copy of the script.


On Sun, 08 Mar 2020, 00:35 Eddie Rowe, <> wrote:
Email me for a python script that reads hy3

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David Y

Mar 8, 2020, 7:27:40 PM3/8/20
to SDIF Forum
I found the PDF and it seems easy to understand for SD3 files:

Anyone know what is CL2/HY3 files are?  Or anyone who have code to convert CL2/HY3 to SD3 that can share?


On Saturday, March 7, 2020 at 10:43:24 AM UTC-8, Mike Walsh wrote:
Look through the archives of this group and you will find some download links for PDF files.  The group is not high traffic and so there should not be a lot to look through.  It was several years ago though so you’ll need to go back a ways.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 7, 2020, at 12:19 PM, David Y <> wrote:


I am trying to write some code to process meet results so that I can track my kids swimming time so was wondering if someone know where I can find the specs for SD3/CL2/HY3 files.


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Mike Walsh

Mar 8, 2020, 8:01:31 PM3/8/20
Answers to your questions are in the archives:

There have been examples posted in Python, Perl, PHP, and possibly others over the years.  The HY3 files have a checksum and the algorithm to encode the checksum (you don't need to ready HY3 data, only to create new HY3 data).

If your goal is to read data into Hy-tek, you're going to have to create HY3 files.  Unless it has changed since I've been out of the swim business, Hy-tek doesn't import SD3 files.

There is a wad of PHP code which deals with all of the various formats in the WordPress plugin I wrote 10+ years ago.  It hasn't been touched in a long time but the code may prove helpful.  You can browse the SVN repository here:

There are class and includes files where the SDIF and Hy-tek files are defined and processed.


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