The CL2 files are very similar to SDIF records. Check to see if the B1 record matches the SDIF B1 record. If it does, the character is position 121 will tell you what type of meet it is.
MEET Code 005 Meet Type code
1 Invitational
2 Regional
3 LSC Championship
4 Zone
5 Zone Championship
6 National Championship
7 Juniors
8 Seniors
9 Dual
0 Time Trials
A International
B Open
C League
The Meet Type code appears in B1 and J0 records.
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I don’t know the answer to this question. I did lots of work with SD3 and HY3 files, very little with CL2. You may have to do some experiments with dummy meets to generate files and compare. That is what did with the HY3 files. It is tedious to say the least but I don’t know what else you can do in these situations.