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Parsing ST2 vs STD File Format

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Ken Henry

Jun 25, 2016, 3:40:36 PM6/25/16
to SDIF Forum
Hi,  I am new to the group and this is my first post.

I am trying to parse the standards cuts for USA Swimming motivational times ( and the Metro LSC LCM cuts ( .  The files state they are Hy-Tek .std files but I can't determine if the file format is consistent with Hy-Tek .st2 standards files, running through a hex viewer they appear to be different.

I read through Troy's document on the .st2 file format (, an excellent document for the .st2 file,  is there a reference to .std files?

My goal is to parse these files in an ios app that compares the standards cuts, a parser in objective-c or swift would be excellent but could reference any language.

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