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Hy-Tek Meet Events-Invitation files (.ev3, .hyv)

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Christian Kaufmann

Aug 26, 2015, 1:25:04 AM8/26/15
to SDIF Forum

I need to create these files in way that they can be imported by Hy-Tek Team Manager. I know some details about the content of the .ev3 file. I don't know a lot about the content of the .hyv file, but this looks similar.

What I need to know is:
- Does Hy-Tek TM need both of these files or is it ok to have just one?
- What is the formula to calculate the checksum in these files (last token in the first row)?

I see there are some posts regarding this checksums in the forum. But I'm not sure if these can be used for the events invitation file as well.

cu Christian

Peter Gregory

Aug 26, 2015, 1:49:12 AM8/26/15
Hi Christian

As far as I can see you don't need to have the .hyv file. Team Manager allows you to import from just a .ev3.


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Christian Kaufmann

Sep 8, 2015, 9:16:20 AM9/8/15
to SDIF Forum
Almost two weeks now and no more answers. Where are the "cracks" here?

If somebody can help me to solve the .ev3 checksum problem so that I can create files that will be recognized by Hy-Tek Team Manager, I'm ready to pay for that; or you get at least a life time license of our swimming software.

cu Christian

Bill Moore

Sep 8, 2015, 1:54:57 PM9/8/15
If you send me a .ev3 file as an example, I can let you know if the current algorithm works.  I also have Python code that computes the checksum, if that would be helpful.



Nov 9, 2015, 1:47:39 PM11/9/15
to SDIF Forum

For those that use Team Unify TouchPad attached is a vbscript for windows platforms that will create a .hyv file from a TP backup file.  Just copy, rename as .vbs and you are ready to go. If you aren't using TP, the function "htcrk" logic will create the checksum for any text string if you want to create your own script.


Meet Event Extractor - TP.txt

Mark Goepel

Mar 3, 2016, 2:48:12 PM3/3/16
to SDIF Forum
Bill, we are trying to construct EV3 files to feed into TeamManager and would love any information you can provide on calculating the CheckSum for the first row (Python code is fine) as well as any other details you can provide on the fields in the EV3 file.

We have worked out most of them, but some are still a blank spot.

Eddie Rowe

Mar 3, 2016, 5:33:24 PM3/3/16
to SDIF Forum
# PERL - this assumes that the checksum is the same across file types.

sub get_checksum {
    my @chars = split // , shift;
    my @ord_chars = map { ord } @chars;  # get a number for each letter
    my @odd = ();
    my @even = ();
    # odd and even characters are handled differently.
    foreach my $i (0..$#chars) {
        if ( $i%2 ) {
            push @odd, $ord_chars[$i];
        } else {
            push @even, $ord_chars[$i];
    my $odd_sum = 0;
    my $even_sum = 0;
    # odd characters have their numeric representation doubled
    $odd_sum += 2*$_ for @odd;
    $even_sum += $_ for @even;
    # the checksum formula is below:
    # 1) Take the integer part of division by 21 of the sum of the characters (2*odd + even)
    # 2) Add 205
    # 3) The first digit of the checksum is the last digit of the previous result
    # 4) The second digit of the checksum is the penultimate digit of the same
    my $sum = $odd_sum + $even_sum;
    my $result = ($sum - $sum%21) / 21;
    my $sum2 = $result + 205;
    my $checksum1 = substr($sum2,-1);
    my $checksum2 = substr($sum2,-2,1);
    my $checksum = "$checksum1$checksum2";
    return $checksum;

On Wednesday, August 26, 2015 at 1:25:04 AM UTC-4, Christian Kaufmann wrote:
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