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Upcoming Second Chance Youth Garden Events

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Kristin Kvernland

Jul 21, 2017, 1:44:36 PM7/21/17

Hello everyone,


Please join us if you can, and help spread the word about two upcoming Second Chance Youth Garden events!!



I.                   CSA Cooking Class!

Join the Second Chance Youth Garden and Chef Jenn Femley for a special CSA cooking class on Saturday July 29th. Through this course you will see what a sample CSA box looks like and learn various ways to use all of the wonderful food in it. Second Chance will be taking signups for their fall share during the class! Held at City Farmer Nursery the class will run from 2pm –5pm and costs $30. Please register online in advance (see link below) and let your friends know!

Register Here:


II.                 Second Chance Youth Garden Fundraiser at Nates Garden Grill!

Please join us on Monday July 31st from 6:00-8:00 pm at Nate’s Garden Grill. We will be hosting a dinner to benefit the Youth Garden. Tickets are $50/adult $25/child (under 3 years eat free). Farm –to-table specials will be created by chef Mike. To buy tickets text “NATES” to 51555.


Second Chance Youth Garden Program Description

The Second Chance Youth Garden is an urban farm and job-training program in San Diego California. Our 6-week job training program combines job readiness with transitional employment and serves low-income, at-risk and formally incarcerated youth ages 14 -21. Youth interns gain hands on work experience on our urban farm sites and learn how to plant, cultivate, and harvest a wide variety of fruit and vegetables in a sustainable manner. They also learn work place skills such as timeliness, accountability, teamwork and appropriate behavior in the work place.  Upon completion of the program youth can return as peer supervisors, and/or work to create education and career plans with our youth counselor and business services team.


To learn more visit:


Or Contact Program Manager Kristin Kvernland (619 839 0952),

Kristin Kvernland, M.S.,
Youth Garden Program Manager

619-234-8888 (Office) 
619-839-0952 (Direct)


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