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Is repotting an orchid (Phal or oncidium) with new spike safe?

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Margo Hebald

Jul 28, 2020, 7:51:27 PM7/28/20
to SDCOS Orchid Doctor
Is repotting an orchid (Phal or oncidium) with new spike safe?

Deborah Halliday

Jul 28, 2020, 8:29:57 PM7/28/20
to SDCOS Orchid Doctor
I sort of depends.  If the plant has new root growth and the spike is not so long that you risk breaking it, that would be OK.  However, when you repot a plant, you want it to put all its energy into growing roots.  If it is also trying to produce flowers, you may get substandard flowers and have the plant re-establish more slowly.  If the plant is not desperate for repotting, you might want to wait until after it blooms.  The most important consideration when repotting orchids is whether they are currently producing new roots - look for new bright green tips.  When the roots are not showing new growth, it is better to wait, as the plant will not re-establish nearly as well.

I hope this helps!

Margo Hebald

Jul 28, 2020, 8:36:27 PM7/28/20
to Deborah Halliday, Margo Hebald, SDCOS Orchid Doctor
Thank you Debbie.

In this case, new roots and root bound. I’ve moved to a new location and the plants are going crazy with new spikes, about 25 so far. But I’m afraid that being root bound (I’ve been very busy remodeling and moving) they will start to die. In some I’ve just cut the bottom of the pot, hoping the roots will spread out below.


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