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SDC as an everyday Logger

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Sergey a

Feb 28, 2023, 8:17:23 PM2/28/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Any chance SDC can be used as everyday  Log program? With Contest module available I do not see why not and it seems like a lot of potential for a Flex Radio to use with dual receivers. Thanks

UT4LW Yuri Pavlov

Mar 1, 2023, 5:57:53 AM3/1/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
The SDC-Contest subsystem has a profile with the name DXLOG, which can be used for conventional QSO.
Now I am working on the content of Contest Rules. After that I will add the service to the DXLOG profile.
среда, 1 марта 2023 г. в 03:17:23 UTC+2,

Sergey a

Mar 1, 2023, 12:06:28 PM3/1/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Thank you Yuri, will be waiting for update.

Andrew O'Brien

Aug 14, 2023, 1:24:24 PM8/14/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
How do I access the "DXLOG " ?

Andy K3UK 

UT4LW Yuri Pavlov

Aug 16, 2023, 2:55:19 PM8/16/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Andy, you need to select the DXLOG profile in combobox "Contest profile". It is in the "UNKNOWN" month.

понедельник, 14 августа 2023 г. в 20:24:24 UTC+3,

Andrew O'Brien

Aug 16, 2023, 3:47:43 PM8/16/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Got it, thanks!

Sergey a

Aug 17, 2023, 6:25:45 PM8/17/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
wait, are you using DXLog as an everyday log or do i miss something?
If Yes, I cannot find an option in DXLog to import ADIF files (my log from another log that I use on daily basis).

Aug 18, 2023, 7:30:33 PM8/18/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Out of curiosity, I tested importing Cabrillo and experienced most often issues during load. Complete SDC crashes, or dates that were not the original date, or data not properly inserted in the fields (when using different contest profiles). Cabrillo requirements seem to depend on the specific contest and with DXLog as profile I was not able to get anything loaded from sample cabrillo files. 
For DXLog I was extracting parts of my log in DXKeeper with mode CW and selected in DXKeeper one the format for CQ WW CW. 
With Cabrillo logs from old contests it worked often loading into this specific SDC Contest format, but as mentioned in the best case with some date issues in the log in SDC. 
It would then also be nice to be able to recalculate the contest to get some of the calculated fields populated. Nice to have would be to get an ADIF import with recalculation feature. 
73, Peter - HB9BUN

Sergey a

Oct 25, 2023, 2:56:57 PM10/25/23
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Yuri, any update on that subject?

Andrew O'Brien

Jun 3, 2024, 12:44:59 AM6/3/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Yuri is the DXLOG profile still available ?
Andy K3UK

On Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 2:55:19 PM UTC-4 wrote:


Jun 3, 2024, 6:58:12 AM6/3/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Andy, the DXlog is the top log under contest profiles.  Just look under unknown

I personally don't know why anyone would want to use this when there are so many great everyday logging programs out there.

SDC was not designed for that so it does not really have the required features like checking cluster feed against needed DXCC, etc.


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