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Other SDC Mac users out there ?

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Andrew O'Brien

May 31, 2024, 10:16:56 PM5/31/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
I wonder if there are any regular users of SDC out there that use SDC on the Mac OS platform.  I have been trying to figure out why my Mac version never has any spots going to the Spotlist while my Windows version has no problem like this.   Rich spent considerable time checking my Mac configuration and found that sometimes the Spotlist was populated as expected and other times it was not.  Today I tested and all day the Windows version worked well, the Mac version never ever got a spot in to the Spotlist.   It would be interesting to find someone with a Mac version whose Spotlist is behaving as expected. I am using the latest Sonoma version of Mac OS . 

Andy K3UK 

UT4LW Yuri Pavlov

Jun 1, 2024, 1:31:46 AM6/1/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
I posted version 17.2833 for macOS yesterday. I don't see any problems:


суббота, 1 июня 2024 г. в 05:16:56 UTC+3,


Jun 1, 2024, 2:56:02 PM6/1/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Andy glad you got your spots working.

Can you post an image of your actispot window on Mac so Yuri can see what needs fixed

Andrew O'Brien

Jun 1, 2024, 10:03:56 PM6/1/24
to SDC Software Defined Connectors
Thanks to Rich and Yuri for further work .  All is good now

Andy K3UK

On Fri, May 31, 2024 at 10:16 PM Andrew O'Brien <> wrote:
I wonder if there are any regular users of SDC out there that use SDC on the Mac OS platform.  I have been trying to figure out why my Mac version never has any spots going to the Spotlist while my Windows version has no problem like this.   Rich spent considerable time checking my Mac configuration and found that sometimes the Spotlist was populated as expected and other times it was not.  Today I tested and all day the Windows version worked well, the Mac version never ever got a spot in to the Spotlist.   It would be interesting to find someone with a Mac version whose Spotlist is behaving as expected. I am using the latest Sonoma version of Mac OS . 

Andy K3UK 

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