Finding caches - likes and dislikes?

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Mar 8, 2010, 9:02:00 PM3/8/10
to SD Cachers
I know we are all a bit sluggish in the area of caching right now, but
I am curious what kinds of things people like when it comes to the
types of caches they find. I know some people pay careful attention
to terrain (high or low) or difficulty (again high or low). Others
may prefer certain locations or types of containers. I am just
curious what people prefer.

For me it depends on the situation. In my perfect world, I prefer a
nice hike with some good scenery. The Ingersoll Mine cache in the
Black Hills I believe is still my favorite. The reality is that I
don't get many of those opportunities so I have to settle. When I go
out of town with the family for a quick trip, I have to prefer more
"park and grab" style caches. I find they break up the monotony of
the trip and give me something to do instead of shopping. I don't
mind an LPC, but I don't want to do them for hours if I can avoid it.
When it comes to urban caching, my favorite caches are those that are
in plain sight but no one knows it. I am a sucker for a # magnet or a
well placed blinkie. I know some people hate them, but there is some
thrill of the hunt involved that I like about a cleverly placed nano.
I am also a big fan of pretty much any cache that will take me
somewhere that I never would have visited without a cache in the
area. I have seen more small towns in SD than I ever would have
without caching. It is amazing to me the neat areas that our state
has to offer that most people never see.

Enough rambling - just curious what people are thinking.



Mar 8, 2010, 9:33:55 PM3/8/10
to SD Cachers
I think everyone's likes and dislikes are as individual as the cachers

Personally, I like a bit of a challenge in the search. I don't like
"needle in a haystack" caches after a 5 mile hike. If I have to hike
that far, I like to see a bigger container rather than one that is
placed to confound the cacher. It's just too disappointing to go that
far for a DNF.

I would have to agree that I wouldn't want to find LPC's all day, but
I don't mind them, they are good for a quick cache fix especially on
those days where it's -20 degrees outside or raining buckets

Geocaching has taken us to so many places that we never knew existed,
our first such find was Stagecoach Station by stlee right here in
Sioux Falls. I've lived here all my life and never knew that specific
history existed here. I also greatly enjoyed the GFP's Historic Sioux
Falls event (sorry if I butchered that name)...I learned so much about
Sioux Falls history that it really astounded me.

Most of our finds if you look at our stats are micros. I don't
dislike micros but I don't particularly love them could
call it a love/hate relationship...LOL!!!

Just my 2 cents. Looking forward to others' replies!


Mar 8, 2010, 9:41:39 PM3/8/10
I love a good search but I kinda like to know the size of the object I am looking for I do like the nano's 95% of the time but I like carol don't mind park and go's on occasions but I'll admit they got me through the winter ;)

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Mar 9, 2010, 12:05:11 AM3/9/10
to SD Cachers
We enjoy caches that take us to places that we would never normally
go. Via caching we have enjoyed going to many different areas and
small towns that we would have never visited.

In reality, we enjoy any and all caches. We would probably rather
cache in areas that are more rural. Rural caches give you the
opportunity to search without feeling like someone is watching you or
that the police will show up. However, having said that, it seems
like I remember being in a very rural area and an airplane tracking us
that resulted in the red lights being illuminated and several
questions being asked. Maybe I do like urban caching better!! :) I
think that situation was a result of the time of day we were caching
rather than the rural location.


Mar 9, 2010, 8:01:58 PM3/9/10
to SD Cachers
My favorite type of caches to find are Earthcaches. I also get
excited when I find caches that are hidden under fence post caps. I
am not sure why, but this is my favorite kind of hidden container. I
do not enjoy "needle-in-a-haystack" type caches. For me, I just think
it is too overwhelming. There are so many places to look and I never
know where to start, how carefully I should be searching, or how much
time I should be spending in a particular area.

I enjoy both rural and urban caching. I do not really have a
preference. Location of caches and type of caches does not make the
activity what it has become to me. Wherever my friends are caching
and whatever type of cache they are looking for is where I want to be
caching. The activity is not nearly as fun when you are doing it
alone. Finding caches is fun, but I enjoy the time spent talking to
my friends while going from one cache to the next more.

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