ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.7.0 released!

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Piotr Dulikowski

Jan 2, 2023, 7:07:31 AM1/2/23
to ScyllaDB users
The ScyllaDB team is pleased to announce ScyllaDB Rust Driver 0.7.0,
an asynchronous CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, but also compatible with Apache Cassandra!

Some interesting statistics:
  • over 67k downloads on crates;
  • over 350 GitHub stars!
=== Notable changes ===

Bugs fixed:
New features/enhancements:
CI / developer tools:
Congrats to all contributors and thanks everyone for using our driver!


The source code of the driver can be found here:
The official registry entry is here:
Thank you for your attention, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, issues, feature requests, or are simply interested in our driver!

Contributors since the last release:

| commits | author            |
| ------- | ----------------- |
|      63 | Wojciech Przytuła |
|      10 | Michał Sala       |
|      10 | Thomas BESSOU     |
|       9 | Piotr Dulikowski  |
|       5 | Colin O'Brien     |
|       2 | Gor Stepanyan     |
|       2 | colin-grapl       |
|       1 | Jan Ciolek        |
|       1 | Joseph Perez      |
|       1 | Lucas Kent        |
|       1 | Piotr Grabowski   |
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