Re-engage - Regular Time for Mtgs, Pairs

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Scott Dunn

Apr 30, 2010, 10:08:56 AM4/30/10
to Scrum Alliance Let's grow the Community
Hi All,

Just want to put these two items out for discussion. Unless others
don't agree, I'd like to set up two times every other week (two week
sprints) for group members to attend. If it helps, members can pair
and then only one needs to show up. These two meetings could function
like two Scrum teams for this SA LGC project?

Thoughts? I'm looking for way to take concrete steps forward.

Much Thanks In Advance,

Derek W. Wade

Apr 30, 2010, 10:40:58 AM4/30/10
I Like the idea, Scott. Rhythm can have more effect than a plan. :)

Are we still looking for Tungle times? I clicked a few things a while
back and am not sure where that was going.

Bachan Anand

Apr 30, 2010, 10:47:36 AM4/30/10
I agree too .
Sent from my mobile device

--Bachan Anand
+949 - 892 5482
Conscires - knowledge shared with others

Pascal Guy

Apr 30, 2010, 2:32:51 PM4/30/10
I like the idea as well.
And i also agree with Derek, rhythm is important.

Sorry if i haven't given any news lately, i'm about to deliver the first draft of my master's degree next week. So you should hear more from me after that.

Take care 

"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
- Douglas Adams

Gerry Kirk

Apr 30, 2010, 9:18:02 PM4/30/10
I have a project in mind for us to work on, which relates to this thread.

I'd like us to put a dent in the serious problem of information overload, community fragmentation. It takes too much effort for groups like ours to get started and keep going, IMO.

This challenge both fascinates and excites me. 

I think there is an opportunity to create higher bandwidth conversations, supported by tools and rhythm to help people get more out of their group initiatives.

Perhaps with a specific project in mind, we could get some focus and create something of enormous 

I have this idea of an online open space scheduled at regular intervals, using video conferencing and a few collaborative tools.

I have more to share on this idea, which I'll save for another email or our next meeting. I'm up for a session next week.

Is the idea of two sessions to give people two chances to make one of the meetings? 

- Gerry

Bachan Anand

Apr 30, 2010, 9:49:10 PM4/30/10
Great idea !!

Derek W. Wade

May 1, 2010, 1:54:25 AM5/1/10
Gerry --

I need to go to the hardware store to buy a huge bucket. Because I really need to do something about all the drool from my mouth as I salivate over your idea.

I believe this is an important issue (distributed community fragmentation). Geography limits people, and it doesn't have to.
I've had success with distributed team cohesion in the past and know that things can be better than they are.
I believe the people here are able to create something valuable (even if it's just our own team).
If we can share whatever it is we create (even if just by reporting about it), we will be helping others.

'Nuff said.

When's the first meeting/where do I go to show my availability?

Derek W. Wade
t: @derekwwade
Kumido Adaptive Strategies
"The Way of the Team"

Scott Dunn

May 1, 2010, 3:20:29 AM5/1/10
Good feedback. Thanks. And I'm excited by by G-Kirk's idea.

So, moving forward, let me know if you have any objections to this -

I'm going to send out a poll via SurveyMonkey for the group to vote on top two choices. Some ideas below to try and offer morning, lunch, early evening options for folks and also to make this more bookends on the week so to be used also as planning/review mtgs.

What would you add?

Fridays @ 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST
Fridays @ 6:30 PM EST / 3:30 PM PST
Mondays @ 9:30 AM EST / 6:30 AM PST

After the poll, we'll run with the top two vote earners. Each group member elects one of the two. Then a member from each group selects a partner from the other group (or has it selected automagically).

Talk to you all soon,

Scott Dunn, Stubborn, Prideful and Sour Agile Coach
Agile, Leadership and Strengths
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Derek W. Wade

May 1, 2010, 11:21:55 AM5/1/10
Scott --

May I highly recommend vs. SurveyMonkey to find times.  I was introduced to this when Luke Hohmann was pulling us together to do the ScrumAlliance StrategyGames Online, and I thought it worked well.

You can create a number of possible times, and then we all go in and mark which ones are best, will work, and won't work. The app then offers most desirable time slots. The nice thing about doodle is that it takes into consideration those times that DON'T work for people, vs. a majority vote.  Basic help here:

I'd also add:
Mondays @ 10:30 AM EST/7:30 AM PST

Wednesday: all 4 time slots already mentioned.


Derek W. Wade
t: @derekwwade
Kumido Adaptive Strategies
"The Way of the Team"

Gerry Kirk

May 1, 2010, 11:43:30 AM5/1/10
+1 I like using tools like Doodle and Tungle for figuring these things out. 

Gerry Kirk
Agile change agent

Gerry Kirk

May 1, 2010, 11:49:51 AM5/1/10
Dream big, dear Derek, one iteration at a time. And drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration. 

Gerry Kirk
Agile change agent
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