Summary of discussion of march 31st

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Pascal Guy

Apr 1, 2010, 10:02:26 AM4/1/10
Hey group,
Here's yesterday's SOD (summary of discussion).

Impediments discussed
  • Impediment #3 People feel saturated. 
    • General sense of saturation by everyone present as to what time can be dedicated to make the community grow.
  • Impediment #4 Fragmentation of cumunities online 
  • and Next Steps #9 Build community infrastructure. Provide a platform to share, engage, create
  • and Next steps #13 Discover Scrum-related communities already active and growing
    • There were questions of wether we should join other efforts/groups instead of trying to start another because of the lack of participation or advancements regarding discussions in the LinkedIn sub groups.
General points
  • We have to find a way to get momentum and engagement from people to make things go forward.
  • Richard Kasperowski wil revive the "why Scrum, for managers" discussion.
  • Bachan Anand will revive the "Grow the scrum for Non Profit orgs" and "Agile coaching circles" 

My point of view is we have to get specific about some issues and attack those. The importance should be to create momentum. That's the hardest part. To push something until we have. I know i haven't been present in the previous discussions. I've gotten back from vacation but i really am interested in getting things going with people who want to go in that direction.

For those who participated in the call, feel free to add anything i might have forgotten.

Thanks everybody and have a great day!


"I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
- Douglas Adams

Scott Dunn

Apr 1, 2010, 3:00:59 PM4/1/10
Thanks for the summary Pascal.

Group, sorry I couldn't make it. 

Small note on infrastructure - I've heard good things about Ning and know another group using it. (just saw that on the backlog).

I voted, but it didn't change the #1 and #2 items.

1. Learn about successes already out there. 
2. Build community infrastructure. Provide a platform to share, engage, create.

Is the next mtg to task those out and run sprint?

Hope to talk more soon, and glad to be working alongside all of you,

Scott Dunn, Certified Scrum Practitioner, Certified ScrumMaster, PMP, Pragmatic Marketing Certified
Software Development and Human Capital - Leadership, Agile and Strengths
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