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Functional Drag/Drop Demo in Scripty2?

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Steve Stringer

Mar 3, 2011, 10:24:18 AM3/3/11
to scripty2
I have a web app built on Scriptaculous that has a bunch of drag and
drop functionality. However, it doesn't work on touch devices like
the iPad. So I've been looking at Scripty2.

The problem is that I can't seem to find a fully-baked demo of how the
new Scripty equivalents of Effect.Draggable and Effect.Droppable
work. Since the documentation isn't fully baked yet, I'm wondering if
anyone can point me in the right direction. There's an older 2009
post in this forum with some sample code, but I can't get it to work
with the latest B1 build of Scripty2.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Steve Stringer

Apr 19, 2011, 2:52:38 PM4/19/11
to scripty2
Sorry to be one of those annoying thread "bumpers" but I'm still
searching for an answer to this question, especially since it seems
that Thomas is hard at work on another project and Script2's next
release is up in the air.

Thanks in advance,
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