2.9 development

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Casey Bisson

Feb 18, 2010, 5:06:25 PM2/18/10
to scri...@googlegroups.com
I'm working on Scriblio 2.9 now. You can see my goals for the release here:

I've just tagged the current working code (2.7-r4) so that I can begin that work. If you're using SVN and running /trunk/, beware that it will be unstable for a while. I'm doing a bunch of housecleaning with the code and it will take some time to reconcile everything.

You can see all available releases of Scriblio here:

SVN access:


Feb 19, 2010, 1:54:27 PM2/19/10
to Scriblio
Casey -

These changes sound great and will likely help with the issues I was
having with using Scriblio for creating an archives website.

Any time frame of when this may become available? Thanks!

Casey Bisson

Feb 21, 2010, 10:41:42 PM2/21/10
to scri...@googlegroups.com
I've just posted some changes to the widgets. The biggest is that I've converted them to use the WP2.8 API, but I've also added some options to the facets widget that allow you to specify the smallest and largest font sizes in the tag cloud and an arbitrary sort order for it.

You can follow changes here:

I would not recommend running this on a live site. If you upgrade from an existing Scrib installation, you'll probably have to visit and update the configuration of these widgets in your dashboard.

More updates to follow.


Casey Bisson

Mar 4, 2010, 2:39:51 PM3/4/10
to scri...@googlegroups.com

Status report:

A little more than half of the Scriblio code was dedicated to the Marcish and Arc schemas. I say "was" because it's all gone now: http://is.gd/9GJua 

If you're a library user, then you'll need to add the Scriblio Schema Marcish plugin ( http://is.gd/9GKq9 ) to maintain current functionality. (And the Arc schema is gone entirely, though it had been superseded by the Marcish scheme in previous releases.)

Removing the Marcish schema was a hard decision to make, as library uses are some of the most exciting that I'm involved with, but this will allow the two pieces to move on different development cycles and simplify change management within the code.

As noted previously: the widgets have now been updated to use the WordPress 2.8 API, and the facets widget UI has been significantly improved (no more typing in taxonomy names, simply select them from a pick list).

Lots more is in store. My next task is to make book jackets and other images associated with records compatible with WordPress 2.9's post image features.

I hope to have the code running on a live site somewhere soon, but until then beware all the standard precautions about running bet (alpha?) code, or use the previous releases ( http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/scriblio/download/ ).


Casey Bisson

Mar 16, 2010, 6:18:39 PM3/16/10
to scri...@googlegroups.com
I believe I've completed the work of separating the Marcish schema from Scriblio and have it working cleanly now.


The options page has been cleaned up and re-worked. It's still not perfect, but the options you see there represent some of the biggest changes in Scriblio. One of my goals was to make Scriblio work for a broader range of data sets, not just library records.

The facets widget has been rewritten from the ground up. You can pick which WordPress taxonomies you want it to display as facets by checking them off from the list, and the other options are more versatile (though, admittedly, less sleek and simple...anybody have ideas on how that can be addressed?).

The widgets also now show on category, tag, and other taxonomy pages (if you set them to appear there). This means that Scrib can be added to an existing site without forcing URL changes. Along these lines, Scrib now uses pretty URLs for any query that has just a single element (format=books, for example). If additional criteria are added to the query, it's directed to the "browse page."

You can see a log of all the changes here:

..But you can see the changes at work in this demo site:

There I've entered the menu from one of my favorite lunch spots so that visitors can browse it by the various ingredients used. Browsing around, you'll see the new URLs at work.

Browsing the items that have bacon bits leads to this URL:
But adding jalapenos goes to a URL like this:

In the search box you'll see "here puppy puppy," the same text entered in the Scriblio option, allowing you to use whatever text is appropriate for the audience and collection. And, of course, entering some text there brings up the search suggestions.

Big thanks goes to Jeff of Junkyard Dogs for letting me use their menu like this. Next time you're in Plymouth, let me buy you a dog there.

Next on my list is focusing on the Marcish Schema plugin and the connectors that use it.

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