another Scribe Zotero question

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Mar 17, 2008, 2:57:53 PM3/17/08
Hi all,
Just to add. For quite awhile I have thought about transitioning from
Scribe to Zotero but I haven't for the simple reason that I work in
multiple places, using different computers. I have my home desktop,
laptop, work desktop, computer at the reference desk or wherever. From
what I have heard on this list I understand their is a portable version
of Firefox which I could use and maybe that is the way I should go.

But there is a question that has been on my mind for sometime, about
which someone might have input. With Scribe I'm able to include
italics, underlines, etc. of quoted material on my note cards. In
addition, using MS word or Open Office's Writer I'm able to add accent
marks. the ability to do this is important because I think it helps
maintain the integrity of the sources I'm using. Is this possible with
Zotero? I have only tried a few things and this does not seem possible
- at least right now. Also, I'm not sure if others have noticed, but
with Scribe when you export your notes you lose those underlines,
italics, etc but not the accent marks. Has anyone else noticed this and
if so how do you handle this. I should add that I'm using the PC
version of Scribe.



Chris Beneke

Mar 17, 2008, 4:11:15 PM3/17/08
I would second Mies' opinion here.  I very grateful for the good work of Elena and the CHMN, and am anxious to move from Scribe to Zotero.  But I am waiting for the imminent changes in Zotero's notetaking (will they appear in version 1.5?) that will allow us to use italics and underlines.  And I hope, as well, that exported notes (from Scribe to Zotero) will retain their formatting.

Chris B.

Elena Razlogova

Mar 22, 2008, 10:38:22 AM3/22/08
Hi all,

On Mar 17, 2008, at 4:11 PM, Chris Beneke wrote:

> I would second Mies' opinion here. I very grateful for the good
> work of Elena and the CHMN, and am anxious to move from Scribe to
> Zotero. But I am waiting for the imminent changes in Zotero's
> notetaking (will they appear in version 1.5?) that will allow us to
> use italics and underlines. And I hope, as well, that exported
> notes (from Scribe to Zotero) will retain their formatting.

It looks like I may be able to export some of Filemaker styled text as
markup now. Here are the options:

1. /italic/ *bold* _underline_ - standard and easy to understand

2. *bold* _italic_ __underline__ - not standard/intuitive, but it will
be possible to autoformat bold and italic in word

3. html markup: <em></em> for italics; <strong></strong> for bold,
<u></u> for underline

Let me know which options seems more reasonable.

I may also be able to export timeline entries (as Document item type)
and outline entries (as notes)

Instructions on how to display timelines in Zotero:

Instructions on how to display outlines:

This is not ideal, but at least all of the information will be
transferred to Zotero.


Chris Beneke

Mar 24, 2008, 9:23:27 AM3/24/08
Thank you very much, Elena.  This is good news.

My vote would be for option 1.


Mar 25, 2008, 2:15:07 PM3/25/08
Hi Elena,
I have been home with a sick child, sorry I didn't respond quickly.

For me I don't see any major difference so I guess I would echo Chris'
take on this.



Morgan, Elizabeth Ann

Mar 25, 2008, 5:07:22 PM3/25/08
I decided to use Zotero today instead of Scribe. All of a sudden I
realized I was not putting page numbers in for my notes. I don't see a
place to add page number for each note. Is there a preference or a box
I'm missing?


Gary McCaman

Mar 25, 2008, 5:15:28 PM3/25/08
No, there is no place (at the moment) for page numbers.  I (and others) start the note with the page number: 35] . That way the notes can be sorted by page number.

Morgan, Elizabeth Ann

Mar 25, 2008, 5:30:09 PM3/25/08
I see this as a real problem. I don't like to start my note with a page
number because I like to be able to see the first several words/lines in
the short view instead. I also don't like the page number being part of
the note. It seems to me that any note taking program should assume the
need for a page number.
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