Re: CompletionProvder in Seco?

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Borislav Iordanov

Dec 21, 2016, 1:28:34 PM12/21/16

Let’s take this discussion to to Seco users Google group. I know it’s a small group, but in case the project is properly revived better have this information there. 

I have code and bug fixes since the last official release and I will make some new release as well as time permits. I know there are a bunch of new super well-funded notebook-like apps (IPython etc.), and they are pretty cool but they have different architecture and different long term goals. 

It’s hard to build an open-source community and obviously I don’t know how to do it, otherwise Seco and/or HyperGraphDB would have been bigger. But efforts like yours, Axel, are the type of things that could make the project move forward. And now that its original author, Konstantin is stepping up to help, that’s even more encouraging!


On Dec 21, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Axel <> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Axel <>
Date: Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 7:10 PM
Subject: Re: CompletionProvder in Seco?
To: Konstantin Vandev <>


I added JLaTeXMath support and commented it out in this commit:

Is there a way to do some "preferred settings" for an output cell (i.e. "Plain Text" or "LaTeX" in my example)?

Is it possible to print out a notebook?

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Konstantin Vandev <> wrote:
The following quick and dirty change in  MathScript.eval()

if (result.isAST("Plot")) {
AbstractPlotter2D  plot = Plotter.getPlotter();
java.util.List<String> l = new java.util.ArrayList<String>();
                    if (ast.size() >= 2 && !ast.arg1().isList()) {
IExpr temp = fEngine.evaluate(ast.arg1());
} else {
// default example
l.addField("y(x) = ", "Sin[x]^3");
return plot;

will show the plot inside an output cell, instead of opening a separate window. 

On Wed, Dec 21, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Konstantin Vandev <> wrote:
I've slightly modified your code to fix autocompletion. Also I added some hint where you could add your java doc.
In theory you should be able to display any JComponent as a result of the cell evaluation. Simply change  MathScriptEngine's 
public Object eval(final String script, final ScriptContext context) method
to return the desired component instead of "" as it currently does.

On Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 8:42 PM, Axel <> wrote:
On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Borislav Iordanov <> wrote:
Axel, let us know if this is helpful and if you need anything else?

Also, let me know if you want me to publicize your work? Not that I’m going to get lots of “traction” but I am excited that you are doing something on top of Seco and I would like to give it more visibility, if I can :)

I commited my changes in this fork:
you can evaluate a "subset of mathematica" in the input cells.

Currently if you type something like:

- Plot[Sin[x],{x,-10,10}]
- ParametricPlot[{Sin[2*t],Cos[3*t]}]
- Plot3D[]

an interactive plotter windows should popup. How can integrate a finished plot back in the notebook? (as JComponent? In SVG format? Or in some "interpreted Mathematica" format?)

My attempt to get auto-completion to run doesn't work.

If you type something like "Pl" the system suggests some words but if you choose them it didn't insert them correctly?

If I have some help files (in HTML?) for my commands in my JAR as resources, how can I show the input as "Javadoc" for this "Mathematica Command".

I hope my explanations are understandable and you can help me improving this "starting point" of a Symja Seco-plugin.

regards Axel

Axel Kramer

Axel Kramer

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