ScutRUG Lockdown Edition 4: Truffle Ruby

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James Bell

Nov 5, 2020, 3:20:12 PM11/5/20
to Scottish Ruby User Group

Why hey there you glorious humans! Long time no chat.

I hope the end of summer and the start and middle of autumn has been treating you reasonably. As we sashay towards peak darkness it's time to wake ScotRUG from its slumber. This coming Thursday,  November 12th at 18:00, we'll meet again.

When: 12/11/2020 18:00
What: A talk on Truffle Ruby
Where: A link to be posted out on the 11th, via Meetup's RSVP page (

This month we're privileged to have Duncan MacGregor who will speak to us about Truffle Ruby. As with other interpreted languages, there are a number of options for a runtime to get your Ruby code to do something. The big one is CRuby, previously known as MRI or Matz’ Ruby intepretor. There’s also JRuby, the limited set of mruby, the fun of Ruby written in Ruby from Rubinius, the once and not forgotten Ruby Enterprise Edition and Maglev Ruby. Truffle is the newest of these, with a focus on high performance. Knowing what’s available means you can choose the most appropriate interpreter for the job you’re trying to get done, and each different interpreter also helps explore new areas for the other, pushing the state of the art forward.

As per lockdown meetups past, we'll send out a link to the online meeting a day before. In order to get the link, you'll need to RSVP to the Meetup event:

As always, the website also has the details:

I hope to see some of you there!


James Bell

Nov 11, 2020, 4:47:19 PM11/11/20
to Scottish Ruby User Group
Goodness me, it's Wednesday evening! Tomorrow evening, we meet up to talk about Truffle Ruby. Hit up our meetup page for the link. I'm excited about this! See some of you tomorrow.

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