New ScotRUG co-organisers

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James Bell

Apr 14, 2022, 12:53:35 PM4/14/22
to Scottish Ruby User Group
Hello ScotRUGgers,

While I wait for the meet up this evening, I figured it was a good time to announce some changes to the organising committee here at ScotRUG! In addition to myself and Kevin Jacoby (also our illustrious speaker this evening), there are three new organisers on the team. So, join me in welcoming Carme Mias, Katrina Coutts and Khaleeq Ahmad!

We hope that this expanded organising group will help to make ScotRUG even better for the years ahead. There's much for us to figure out: what does meeting up in person look like this year? What ways can we keep the hybrid model, so that folks dialling in from more remote locations can still join in? What does a fresh lick o'paint look like on the website?

But most importantly: how can we continue to encourage and support everyone on this list and elsewhere to chat, learn and share about Ruby and Ruby related things.

I'm excited for the year ahead, and if you have any ideas or thoughts, we'd love to hear them. Feel free to respond to me directly, or to scottishrubyusergroup at gmail DOT com.

Hope the slowly warming spring is treating you well,

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