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EMEA on Rails this week

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James Bell

Jun 6, 2021, 1:28:28 PM6/6/21
to Scottish Ruby User Group

Hello again summer soaked people,

It's a busy week in the Ruby meetup world! Alongside the usual ScotRUG meetup on Thursday, we have EMEA on Rails!

This will take place on Wednesday, starting in the late afternoon (4pm British Summer TIme). So, what exactly _is_ it?

Across Europe, the Middle East and Africa, Rubyists haven't had that much of a chance to get together in the last year. So various EMEA user groups, including UK locals from NWRug, ShRUG, SW Ruby and LRUG, have been gathering together folks who spoke at RailsConf earlier in the year. With the addition of one or two other speakers from the region, we're forming a mini one day Rails Conf experience, all online.

The schedule is now up at, and you can sign up there. They've also got a Twitter account:

So: a potential double blast of community and learning this week:
EMEA on Rails: June 9th, 4pm
ScotRUG: June 10th, 6pm

Tie all that together with warm weather, and it's looking like a special week!

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