Webinar: Do we need climate change's IPCC?

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Ilan Kelman

2022年4月12日 11:49:512022/4/12
收件人 SCORAI Group

Webinar: Do we need climate change's IPCC?

Thursday 12 May, 1400-1500 UK time

For the UK Alliance for Disaster Research

https://ucl.zoom.us/j/92368707494?pwd=TkFJOGdCVENsODROWmdsWS9LRUx5dz09 (you must be signed into Zoom to join).



Lisa Schipper, University of Oxford

Mark Pelling, King's College London

Silke Beck, Technical University of Munich


Chair: Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, University College London


Organised by: Ilan Kelman, University College London and University of Agder


After more than three decades, six assessment reports, and numerous special reports, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) continues to tell us what we know already: Humanity is changing the Earth's climate rapidly and substantively--and we could stop it if we want to. Do thousands of scientists really need to spend the hundreds of thousands of hours to repeat this same message across reams of reports? Or is it time to say "thank you" in order to shift this effort to original science and actual action? This webinar's panel discusses these questions to tell us "Do we need climate change's IPCC?"

Richard Rosen

2022年4月16日 02:47:102022/4/16
收件人 ilan_...@yahoo.com、SCORAI Group
No, Ilan, I do not think we need another IPCC three part assessment.  Note that I have been an official reviewer of the drafts of almost all the reports since the SR1.5 report in October 2018, and have provided the authors with hundreds of comments. I think we need a much shorter report about every five years on how implementing actual mitigation programs are proceeding in different parts of the world, and what we can/need to learn from the effectiveness of mitigation programs so far in order to reach our mitigation targets.  Perhaps adaptation problems should be included in such a report.  Note the critique I wrote seven years ago of the 5th assessment report on mitigation attached. It is clear now that there is no progress being made with WG3 reports, especially none between the SR1.5 report and last week's WG3 report.  Also, see the attached Open Letter on serious problems with the IPCC writing process.  Please distribute the attached materials to all the program speakers and organizers.  Thanks.

--- Rich Rosen

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CCE paper - Critique of 2014 IPCC WGIII Report - Rosen.pdf
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