zip file posted on download page only has Scintilla and new features

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Jun 30, 2024, 12:19:05 PMJun 30
to scintilla-interest
The tgz file has Scite, Scintilla, and Lexilla, but the zip file only has Scintilla

Just an FYI.

Going to put an hour or three into EDGE_FULL_BACKGROUND and EDGE_MULTI_BACKGROUND today. Probably more time tomorrow.

Probably second submission for following if I am happy with how it turns out.

Might also take a stab at adding SCI_SETTABLIST()  SCI_GETTABLIST() over next few days. If there is pushback I guess I'll just add it to CsScintilla. Yes, today's script kiddies won't see a need for it, but some of us long in the tooth get paid to support ANSI-COBOL, RPG-II, and a host of other card format languages and we don't have good free-as-in-beer options.

Add a boolean SCI_SETUSETABSTOPS() with SCI_GETUSETABSTOPS(). Again, today's script kiddies probably neither care nor comprehend this need, but it has been a bur under my saddle since I started working on PCs in the 1980s and part of a years ago ranting blog post.

Yes, many users won't care but this is a real problem for people trying to work remote and maintain card format code. We end up having to be "dialed into" the Host system using a real terminal editor so we can use the editor on the platform that lines it up right for the compiler . . . and having a manager demanding we come into the office to use a securely connected terminal.

Neil, if you don't want any of this, that's fine, CsScintilla will just branch further away from Scintilla. It's already a bit distant. I just have to leave a large enough gap to rule out constant-collision in my lifetime.

Neil Hodgson

Jun 30, 2024, 6:31:22 PMJun 30
to Scintilla mailing list

> The tgz file has Scite, Scintilla, and Lexilla, but the zip file only has Scintilla

Are you sure you are looking at the correct one? on the SciTE download page is 5 MB and contains all 3 directories but is 1.8 MB and only has Scintilla. I suppose there could be something like a stale cache issue.

> Might also take a stab at adding SCI_SETTABLIST() SCI_GETTABLIST() over next few days. If there is pushback I guess I'll just add it to CsScintilla.

It depends on what it does. APIs should not take array or struct arguments as they may lead to marshalling issues and make scripting language use more difficult.



Jul 1, 2024, 11:55:21 AMJul 1
to scintilla-interest
Looked into it this morning. I went to the wrong DL page when pulling down the zip.

Like I said, interruptions and distractions. Sundays are supposed to be "me time."

>It depends on what it does. APIs should not take array or struct arguments as they may lead to marshalling issues and make scripting language use more difficult.
Was going to mirror it based on the existing multi-edge stuff, but good to know.

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