FDA on the Big OspA (TLR2 agonism) Screw-up

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Mort Zuckerman

Oct 8, 2010, 5:23:53 AM10/8/10
to scilyme2
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Subject: FDA on the Big OspA (TLR2 agonism) Screw-up

Date: Oct 7, 2010 5:13 AM

"For example, a project to explore how to characterize and predict
undesired immune responses that can alter or block the effects of
recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies can demonstrate
relevance to the treatment of cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and other

For example, LYMErix/HIV gp120, the Tuberculosis lipoproteins as
"vaccines," and Chronic Lyme (the autovaccination with OspA via
spirochetal blebbing) - TLR2 Agonism - did not prevent Lyme, but
rather, suppressed antigen presentation and antibody production. And
not only did it suppress antibody production, OspA inhibited the auto-
kill kinases, activating the likes of Epstein-Barr, which is largely
responsible for allin dem ID Society's Great Imitator outcomes:

But the crime was never prosecuted, and still, today, the Institute of
Medicine [think of this as the US Chamber of Commerce (or Fascism)
maquerading as medical expertise] thinks they're going to tell us what
"Lyme Disease" is.

The day I warned the HomeLames about has arrived:

"This left OspA, B and C, the “primary, immunodominant antigens,” out
of the standard for the assessment of LymeRIX. These antibodies, if a
person had them and was infected with Lyme, would not be reported and
recorded as a case of infection, as explained to the FDA LymeRIX
vaccine committee in Bethesda Maryland, in January, 2001. The
internet link to this FDA presentation is below, on the FDA’s website


"This is scientific fraud and a monopoly on testing and vaccines,
apparently orchestrated by Allen Steere and Yale University. It is
organized crime, because this testing is fraudulent, and misses the
vast majority of cases, and yet meanwhile Yale’s Erol Fikrig and
Richard Flavell own a patent for an early and accurate test for Lyme
under US patent number 5,618,533 (application date, Dec 10, 1993).

The accuracy of Fikrig’s early and accurate test for Lyme was 17/18
cases detected, or 94.4% accurate. The accuracy of the Steere
fraudulent method is between 13 and 25%, depending on the spirochete
strains used in the testing, when, in the course of the illness, the
test is performed, and the patient’s own immune competence to
borrelial antigens. Some people can be infected and test positive and
have no symptoms; a few rare people can be infected and have an
inflammatory response - which was what brought this particular
borreliosis to the attention of Mrs. Polly Murray – arthritis; but
most often, people are testing negative and have neurologic Lyme
symptoms because borrelia are stealth infections, and in the
bioweapons class of “chronic disablers.”

***If known “chronic disablers” are not detectable on purpose, this is
obviously a national security risk. Someone could deliberately
release a chronic disabler in a Lyme endemic area, and due to the
fraud of Lyme disease, a serious WMD disease could be spread
undetected and unchecked.***
AND HERE IT IS (homepage, ActionLyme)

ActionLyme Mission Statement:

[We] Expose US crimes (like LYMErix/Pam3Cys) to foreign nations to
destroy all US credibility regarding health and diseases. I don't
bother with the "U.S." "government" or "representatives" any more.
This technique has been effective.

The Chinese recently published a method on how to create antibiotic-
resistant mycoplasma that won't be detectable with usual RNA primers
that we know are specific to the organism:

This expands... get it? It renders our entire database of primers

Undetectable, antibiotic resistant, mycoplasmal-derived bioweapons,
which do what LYMErix does - renders the immune system incompetent,
and is a STEALTH DISABLER, like a time bomb or a Trojan horse.


For this shake up, ...For this national embarrassment, for all these
year-lives dollars lost since 1990 and the founding of the American
(Israeli) Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF.com), well, no one can say we
are, after all, "jealous of 'Jewish Brains.'"

Einstein had autism.

Freud was insane.

Kathleen M. Dickson


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