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Re: Upgrade Ninja to 1.10.0

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Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin

May 19, 2020, 6:38:32 PM5/19/20
to Denis Arnaud, scikit-build
Hi Denis,

Thanks for the kind words 🙏. It has been great working with the community to make scikit-build what it is now.

> I would be grateful if someone could push the Ninja 1.10.0 wheel/source tarball onto PyPi.

Of course, as it depends on one task beyond the control of scikit-build, it is now tracked by


On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 6:25 PM Denis Arnaud <> wrote:
Dear All,

first of all, a big thanks for the excellent work on Scikit-Build, it is an excellent suite of tools and greatly simplifies development and use of Python C extensions!

Looking at the Ninja Python package on PyPi (, the latest version available is 1.9.0. Whereas the latest stable release from Ninja is 1.10.0 (, delivered en of January this year (2020).

Right now, it is impossible to pip install ninja on Alpine Linux, including latest distributions (Alpine 3.11, as of writing), for the reason documented for instance (and in many other places). A fix has been long merged into Ninja source code:, and  Ninja 1.10.0 includes that fix, but not Ninja 0.9.0.

I would be grateful if someone could push the Ninja 1.10.0 wheel/source tarball onto PyPi.


Kind regards


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